Decision & Departure.

Valerian and Valerie came to the Altar hall and sat on the benches after greeting the High Priestess. Valerie, the young and naive child, took the initiative and asked, "Your Grace, why did you summon us?"

Solaria smiled and said, "I called you over to have a discussion, child. Valerian, any idea what the discussion might be about?" 

Valerian shook his head calmly. He did have some thoughts but thought it best to keep them to himself. Solaria nodded and said, "A decade or so ago, the saintess decided that the order of the mercy will not follow the path of blindness." 

Valerie wanted to ask something, but Valerian raised his hand to stop her. Solaria continued while she gazed at the mural of Vita, "The path of blindness was a reference to those who performed merciful actions but, in the end, suffered brutally. It was one incident in the eastern continent that changed everything that we believed in."