Symbol Of Mercy.

Valerian and Valerie followed behind the old lady. This person was kind enough to shelter them. The young man did not sense any malice but did not let his guard down. Valerian used his hands, and when they were about to enter, the girl said, "Elder, I am Valerie, and this is my big brother Valerian." 

The elder smiled and said, "Such nice names you have. I am Madeline. You two sit here. I will get you something to eat." 

Valerie nodded and sat down on the small couch. Valerian stood on his spot and looked around the place. He would not have believed that this place was recently built if not for Valerie to tell him. It was hard for him to understand how and why this lady would live here in the wild, surrounded by beasts. 

He found Valerie sniffing something and asked, 'Did you also smell blood? Do not speak, just the signs.'

Valerie nodded and replied, 'Faint smell, but it is lingering.'