Killing For Mercy.

**The new book: Chalice Of Blood, is out now. Please give it a read and spare some comments and thoughts. Do support my WSA venture.***


Valerian gazed at the number of bandits entering the settlement through wooden gates. Behind the bandits was a wagon, refitted with a barred cage. There were a dozen or so children locked up in the cage. Some sat with their heads buried in their knees while others looked around. 

However, Valerian picked up something they all had in common, fear. They all were scared that even their tears ran dry. The young monk sensed Gwen gasp, and he looked at the back of the wagon. A rope was tied to the back of the wagon, and to the other end was a child. 

Valerian narrowed his eyes and found that the child was not older than Valerie. His rage began to boil. Gwen said, "Valerian, calm down."