Deal With The Demon.

Valerian was holding the witch by her hair. She was dangling while making constant grunting sounds. The two witches froze in their spots. The young man asked, "Are you probably wondering why she cannot say anything?" 

Mel and Krel looked at each other, and the young man continued, "You do not have to overthink. I just cut off her tongue. I have a problem with sinners who think of their actions as some glory. What I hate more than that are the ones who think all those sinful things are glorious. So just a little punishment." 

The two witches could not hold back and yelled in unison, "Bastard, I(we) will kill you." 

Valerian chuckled and said, "Well, you will undoubtedly try, but before you can make a move, I will destroy her clothes, ruin her dignity, and then when she has no spirit left to fight. Then I will decapitate her, limb by limb, and finally watch her bleed to death as I channel fire mana through her veins, burning her inside out."