Shocking Pace.

Captain brought Valerian to the registration counter and asked the lady standing behind, "Miss Prim, can you help register a new dungeoneer, please?" 

Miss Prim raised her head to look at him. Valerian realized why Captain was being so polite to this lady. She had a cold gaze. It was like a chill that froze her soul. Valerian did not avoid her gaze and placed his hands in front of his waist before he bowed and greeted the lady. 

The lady nodded slightly and said, "Your identification papers?" 

Valerian nodded and swiftly took out the letter from his bag. Prim accepted the paper, and then she gave it a thorough look. She asked, "Why was this paper issued just a few days ago?" 

Valerian replied, "The village chief is old, and most people spend their entire lives inside the village. I am the first person who came out, so he wrote this for me."