
Shiba led Valerian through the crowd and streets. The young man did not resist when he was dragged over. They came to a place that looked like some palace, but the vibe it gave was very noble and silent. 

Valerian asked, "What is this place?" 

He was looking at a white building surrounded by a fence and a green patch of grass on all sides. This place was located on the detached side of the city, and Valerian could not understand why Shiba had brought him there. 

Shiba replied, "This is the tomb of dungeoneers. Every city in the world has one. It is said that these tombs and the dungeon entrances were all left behind by the high gods."

Valerian was surprised, and Shiba continued, "You want to know why I was warning you, right? My father was like you, with talent when it came to fighting. He independently cleared the first twenty levels and kept it a secret."