Floor Boss.

Valerian and the team exited the dungeon and smoothly submitted their task results. Prim was surprised these people could complete these things in just one day. She congratulated them and said, "Now that Valerian has finished all these tasks in one go, he is eligible for a level promotion." 

The young man handed her the guild card, and Prim carefully inscribed a few more seal marks. These marks were proof of Valerian's identity and level as a Dungeoneer. The team took a day off from work, and they all rested. 

Although the primary workforce was Valerian, the last battle with the goblins exhausted them all. Viney lay on the couch and complained, "I do not understand why so many goblins spawned in that cavern. Someone needs to keep an eye on these critters." 

Valerian asked, "What do you mean, is it not normal?"