Incarnation Of The Goddess.

Valerian and Gaia walked through the portal holding hands. They appeared in the royal court of Centaur. The courtiers were surprised, and the guards were alerted. They all charged toward the duo when a cold sound echoed in the hall, "Stop." 

Morgana watched the two from the throne and asked, "Prince Valerian, any reason that allows you to get away with such intrusion?" 

She was the Empress, and this court was her playhouse. She would not allow anyone to trample her dignity. This sort of rowdy behavior was not a good thing. Valerian bowed slightly and replied, "I beg your pardon, Your Excellency, but the situation was a bit urgent and delicate. The Pointiaf and the Saintess sent us here on an urgent basis. I think this should be enough." 

Morgana shook her head and said, "Sadly, it is not. If you had told a guard outside, they would not have sent you here."