Facing The Obstacles.

Valerian and Fortuna were sitting under the pavilion in the Palace Of Lumen. They had received a word from the Pointiaf. She will send an envoy to help them communicate with all the magicals. 

It was not practical to mobilize all the chieftains for small discussions. The time taken in commuting was wasteful. Valerian and the rest agreed that they needed to be efficient. The two people were sipping tea when Fragrantia appeared. 

The two greeted her, and the Empress joined them. She asked, "What is on the agenda?" 

Valerian thought briefly, saying, "We need to find a way to find the demon names. If not, we will be in a bind. We would not be able to seal the demons." 

Fragrantia nodded thoughtfully and asked, "So what do you think we should do? You told me you have a dragon treasure on you, but it will be a trinket if it does not apply to wide-area usage."