The betrayal

Then a voice came from behind them. High-pitched, it sent shivers down Rose's spine even before she turned around.

"What do we have here? A Weasley, another Potter and ooh… Malfoy." The last name seemed to be especially interesting for the owner of the voice. Then a figure appeared from behind the statue. They had only heard of him in stories, but his name was still known to every witch and wizard in Britain. There was no mistaking the figure that now stood before them, studying them with a distant coldness. The rumours had been true. Lord Voldemort had returned. His terrifying aura had not been exaggerated at all. Rose didn't dare look up at that face. She had never been so terrified in her life.

Scorpius and Albus immediately knelt. Rose however, remained standing, defiantly. She was not about to show how terrified she was. One of the Death Eaters still held her firm, but she tried to pretend he was not there. He did not force her to her knees. She almost wished he would. Her knees felt weak, but she didn't want to show weakness by falling to her knees.

Then, Scorpius shouted something, something she never thought she would hear him say.

"Great Lord! Surely this is a miracle! I never thought I would get to see this glorious day! Allow me to serve you, my Lord!"

Rose gasped and took a step back. Right into the embrace of the Death Eater behind her, but she barely registered him or his tightening grip on her shoulder. She couldn't have heard correctly! She could not have heard Scorpius of all people saying such things! He would never do that! But what she heard next was even more unbelievable.

"The Dark Lord has returned! The rumours are true! This is the happiest day of my life!" Albus shouted.

"Albus, what on earth are you doing?" Rose screamed. She started to struggle with the Death Eater that held her, trying to reach Albus, but the hooded figure just laughed and held on. This couldn't be happening! She couldn't believe her own ears.

Voldemort was quiet for a few moments, before he turned to Scorpius. "Serve me Malfoy?" he said in a silky voice. "Why would I allow you to serve me? The Malfoy family has not served me well in the past." His voice was barely more than a whisper, yet no one had any trouble hearing him. Even Rose went quiet as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I am not my father, Great Lord," Scorpius answered immediately, still kneeling. "I cannot undo the damage he did, but I ask that I not be judged for his faults. Our family has long been among the Sacred Twenty-eight, but my father threw that all away. I wish to serve you, my Lord, and take back my rightful place among the true saviours of the Wizard race".

"Nice speech," Voldemort said. "Have you practised that for long? Why should I believe you when you are caught with filth like this? A Potter and a Weasley. Barely a step above Mudbloods or Muggles."

Scorpius gave a small smile, as he looked over to Albus. "This is not a normal Potter, my Lord. This is his son, Albus Severus. He was Sorted with me into Slytherin."

Voldemort seemed surprised. Perhaps he really didn't know exactly whom he had captured, only last names. "A Slytherin Potter? How did that happen?"

As Voldemort's gaze turned to him, Albus lifted his head slightly, but remained on his knees. "My Lord, the Sorting Hat does not give reasons, at least it didn't give one to me. I was, however, glad when I got Sorted into Slytherin, as I felt Gryffindor to be a poor fit. My father hated me from the moment I was Sorted. He tries to hide it, but it is clear to me that he does not approve of me, the Slytherin son. The odd one out, the one who does not conform to the "Potter" rules. When I must be at home, I try to avoid him, and he seems happy about it. I have used my time at Hogwarts reading forgotten texts about Dark Magic. I want a chance to learn further."

"No!" Rose shouted, almost crying. How could Albus be saying these things? And Scorpius? How could this be true? She thought she knew them. They were her friends. Albus especially. What was going on here? Maybe they were only pretending to want to join. But what would that accomplish? Voldemort would surely see through that, wouldn't he? He was said to be a gifted Legilimens.

"Please, my Lord, give me a chance to prove myself! I ask only to be given a chance to show my loyalty," Albus finished. Rose gasped again. That was a dangerous gamble. If it was a gamble. She didn't know what to believe at this point. Her whole world had turned upside down.

Voldemort studied Albus for a while longer. Albus trembled slightly under that scrutinising stare but remained kneeling with his head held high. He seemed to almost lean towards Voldemort, wishing to touch him. After about a minute, Voldemort turned to Scorpius again.

"And the girl? Why were you with her?" he asked with a vague motion in Rose's direction.

"What, that one? She keeps following us around, trying to catch us in mischief, to sabotage the friendship between us. It was pure happenstance that we went out of the castle together, it was easier to bring her along than to try to make her leave us alone. I have long wanted to knock her off her high hippogriff."

"So, you wouldn't object if I decided to kill her now?" Voldemort asked in a dangerous tone.

Rose panicked at these words. She tried to escape from the grip of the Death Eater that held her, but it was of no use. The Death Eaters around them laughed at her obvious distress.

Scorpius seemed to hesitate, looking at her. "As I say Lord, she means little to me. She toys with boys' emotions and thinks she is better than everyone else."

Rose whimpered at this. She wasn't like that! How had Scorpius gotten that impression of her? Was he still bluffing?

"However, I would advise, if I may, not to kill her," Scorpius continued. He gave a small smile towards Rose. It may have been apologetic, or just a grimace.

"And why is that? If she means little to you, why spare her?"

"Because she is the daughter of the Minister for Magic, my Lord. She is Rose Granger-Weasley."

This statement was met with whispers through the crowd. Clearly, not everyone had realised just which Weasley they had caught in their trap. Rose started crying from all the eyes that suddenly looked at her with glee and menace. Why had Scorpius said that? Voldemort was sure to kill her now!

"Is she now?" Voldemort looked at Rose, an evil smirk on his face. "So not only the daughter of a Weasley, but also a Mudblood? Granger-Weasley. Such an awful combination. But what can we expect from blood-traitors such as they?"

He touched Rose lightly on her cheek. She tried to shy away from him, but she was still held tight. Voldemort saw her Prefect badge. He ripped it off derisively. Rose didn't dare to look up at Voldemort. She hoped against hope that he wouldn't kill her.

"Well, you are probably right then, Malfoy. We shouldn't kill her," Voldemort said eventually. "Not yet anyway. Her death would be a strong message, but she may work just as well as a hostage. I can't see the Ministry storming any location we are in if she is in there with us."

Rose drew a relieved breath, though her situation was still perilous. Scorpius was also relieved, though he had to hide it.

"Remove Malfoy's bonds," Voldemort told one of the nearby Death Eaters. "There is clearly no need for them." The order was carried out swiftly. Scorpius rose and joined the others in the circle around Voldemort. He even got his wand back.