Mia stared at him with a questioning look and he could guess what she wanted ask.

He then said, "she isn't a child....she is a teenager, at the age of 16."

Hearing that, Mia was a little shocked... although she didn't know much about him, she did know that he was '36' tears old.

That would mean that he became a father at age '20'... well that's something him and Eden have in common.

Mia, "Oh right...I understand now, did she just started seeing it or since."

Dennis, "Well it isn't her first time but it's really painful now and I don't know what to do."

Hearing that, Mia took a little tile to think before saying, "Then why don't I help... I've been through it alot of times and I'm a woman...I know what she needs and I think she would feel a little more comfortable talking to me."

Hearing that, Dennis smiled slightly and then said, "Well I would be very grateful..Shall I ride you there."