Upon seeing Eden, Sarah just stared at him in surprise. In her entire life did she imagine ever seeing him again after she left, but there he was standing before her.

Eden was just as surprised to see her as she was surprised to see him. They just stared at each other until Eden then said, "Sarah…what are you doing here."

Mia, who had just come down, heard Eden call the woman who was drenched in water the name of Isabella's mother 'Sarah'

Mia came closer and upon seeing Sarah, her eyes widened in shock.

She looked so identical to Isabella, that if anyone placed them together, they would say that they were twins and Isabella was just small and Sarah had a big body.

Mia looked around and saw everybody eyes on them because of the commotion.

She grabbed Eden hands and said, "Let's not make a scene and just leave.....ok."

Hearing what Mia said, Eden immediately nodded and they both turned around to leave.