The next morning, Mia woke up early and assisted Aunt Mary in making breakfast.

Mia, "I've missed your food Aunt Mary."

Hearing that, Aunt Mary smiled and said, "well I've missed you loving my food....I hope you ate well."

Mia, "Yes I did....I ate until I puked(laughs)."

Just then Sarah walked Into the kitchen, was "Good morning Aunt Mary, your your night."

Mia, "it was good...but u won't ask how your night was because I'm sure it most have beenp amazing since you haven't slept in such a comfortable bed in a long time if I'm not wrong."

Hearing that, Aunt Mary and some maids covered their mouths and laughed but it was loud enough for Mia and Sarah to hear.

Saying that, Mia took a tray which two dishes were placed on it and left.

After she left, Aunt Mary carried some other things and followed behind her leaving Sarah alone in the kitchen with some maids.