With Tom gone, Alice smiled a little and entered her house. She didn't know why, but she felt like it was destiny for them to meet.

She entered the house but was shocked to see Katy and Mia staring at her like they had seen a ghost.

Alice, "Is everything ok, why are you both looking at me like that."

Katy, "Ma...who was that person who had just dropped you off."

Hearing that, Alice then relaxed a little, "It was Thomas Lee. Wait, don't tell me that it was the reason you both are staring at me like that."

Mia, "Why won't we stare at you, you just literally got dropped off by The Thomas Lee. The Thomas Lee mom."

Alice, "Enough, don't you think I know who he is...Ahhh move aside, ok so tired I wanna seat down."

Saying that, she pushed them aside and took a seat.

Mia and Katy came closer to their mom and sat beside her, "Mom tell me, how do you know him." Katy said with a wide smile on her face.