Mia spent the remaining hours in her room. She was sad about the fact that she didn't get to spend time with Eden and Isabella.

Instead it was Sarah who ended up going to the picnic with both of them.

She sat on her bed and took her phone to call Eden but for some reason, his phone was switched off.

Little did she know that Sarah had turned Eden's cell off when he wasn't looking.

She finally gave up and just decided to rest until they were back.

Few hours later, they came back. Eden came out of the car and went to the back to carry Isabella who was asleep.

While Sarah helped some of the maids with the basket.

Seeing them, Aunt Mary came out and said, "Welcome Eden, how was the picnic."

Seeing Aunt Mary, Eden smiled and said, "It wasn't what I expected but I'm happy Isabella had fun."

Aunt Mary, "I can tell, she is already sleeping."