Mia was later discharged and Eden took her home. They were both still very thrilled about the news.

Diana already told Aunt Mary, so with a warm smile, she welcomed them back home.

Eden held on to Mia as they both entered the house and upon seeing them, Aunt Mary went towards them and said, "Mia how are you doing now."

Aunt Mary, "I'm so happy for you, You are now going to be a mother, may you always be blessed." She said with a sweet smile.

Hearing that, Mia smiled, "Thank you very much Aunt Mary but I'm already a mother, to Isabella that is. Speaking of Isabella, where is she. I want to tell her about this good news."

Aunt Mary said, "Isabella fell asleep on her way back from the picnic. You can tell her the good news tomorrow but right now, you should go rest."

Nodding to Aunt Mary's hand, Eden said, "umm Aunt Mary, can you make some food for Mia... I'm sure she is a hungry."