Eden got to his office after half an hour drive and as soon as he took his seat, the work day began.

His work affairs and everything that happened in his company was always strictly done and handled.

His workers where to come I at 7 sharp and there was no excuses to why they would come late unless they would get fired.

Edeb started off by checking some papers and business deal that had came in last night but he was then interrupted by the sound of his telephone ringing.

He picked it and the voice of his personal secretary was heard, "Sorry Sir, but Mr. Queen would like to see you."

She said and upon hearing that, a smile appeared on Eden's face. He was expecting him to come but not this soon. He had to say that Mia's father was truly a greedy man.

"Let him in." Eden said as he hanged the call and after some seconds, Derek entered into his office.