Hearing a familiar voice, Mia turned around to see no one other than her long time friend, 'Katherine'

Upon seeing one another, they both embraces each other with smiles on their faces, "Aww Mia, how have you been... you don't know how long I've missed you."

Hearing that, Mia smiled and also said, "I've missed you too and trust me, i went back to willows to see you but I heard you had fleed."

Upon hearing that, Katherine nodded, "Alot gof things have happened in the past month... I've met new people in my life and had different obstacles and distractions."

Hearing that, Mia placed her hands in Katherines shoulder, as she said, "Such us life Katherine, things happen for reasons. Anyway, I have other good news."

Smiling, Katherine said, "Then spill it."

Upon hearing that, Mia paused a little before then saying, "I'm pregnant with three pleats."