Mia quickly went upstairs and Eden followed her from behind. As she got to the room, she spinned in joy.

"So where is the gift that you wanted to give me?" Mia asked excitedly and upon hearing that, Eden smiled at his childish wife.

"Give me a sec." He said as he went towards his desk and brought out a brown file.

He then handed the file to Mia and went to take a seat and Mia did the same.

Carefully opening the fule, Mia read the contents that was written and she was astonished by what she saw.

"What the hell!! Eden is my father really bankrupt?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes he is, he went bankrupt early this morning." Eden said calmly and upon hearing that Mia couldn't believe her ears.

"But how? When? This is impossible, how did he go bankrupt so suddenly." But then Mia took some time to think things through before then realizing something.

How did Eden know about her bad being bankrupt when nobody might have known yet.