It was Isabella, she was gone!

Her hopital bed was empty and there no sign of her anywhere. It was like she disappeared.

Quickly coming out of the ward, Mia quickly went to wake him to tell him what had happened to Isabella.

Getting the shocking news, Eden quickly made contacts with the person in charge. They quickly went to the CCTV room to check what had happened to Isabella.

As they turned on the saved video from last night, they could see a woman who had a scarf covering her face, entering the hospital

After passing through the receptionist, she went to the room Isabella was kept in.

Unfortunately, Cameras weren't allowed inside hospital wards especially VIP wards.

The waited in suspense, and some minutes later she came out with Isabella and paased from the back to leave.

There was already someone waiting for her outside, so they placed Isabella on a wheelchair and placed her into the van before then driving off.