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Staring at Nathan, isabel said, "Thank 

 You for help but you didn't have to kiss me to save me."

Hearing that, Nathan said, "Well I'm sorry but it won't have been believeble other wise. But I apologize if kissing you had upset you " he said with outmost sincerity.

Hearing that, isabel just rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, "Well thank you whatever, I'll be going now...I hope we meeelt again thats if fate let that happen."

She said but then, Nathan walked in front of her, "It's late ....if you keep walking alone, you will surely meet more assaulters like those that what you want?" 

"Then what do you want me to do then? Huh?" Isabel asked.

Hearing that, Nathan smiled before then taking hold if her bag and placing it on his car, "I'll take you to wherever you are going."