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Inside Eden's and Mia's room, Mia could be seen seated at ged bed side has Eden was getting himself undressed.

"Why didn't you tell me isabel was coming? I could have gotten things ready for her arrival." Mia said as she pouted slightly.

"it happened quickly that u didn't even have the time to inform you." Eden explained.

Nodding, Mia said, "So tell me, What happened to her that she doesn't have a place to stay. Is she surffering from some financial issue?" Mia asked a little worried.

"Well..Not exactly, the person she was staying with had some people over and there was no more space for her to stay. So she had to move out unprepared and That when she ran into some assaulters." Eden said.

"Assaulters? Did they do anything had to her?" Mia asked as she was a little scared herself.