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Taking hold of Isabel, Jason Pulled Her closer as he just found himself getting dazzled by he beautiful blue eyes that shined like the sky.

"I'm Jason!" He said and hearing that, Isabel blinked twice before she repeated his words, "Jason?"

She asked as he then helped her stand straight, "Yes! I'm the new manager starting from today… the receptionist told me to come up to see the CEO, but I never knew they CEO was a woman!"

He said as he smiled sweetly and hearing that, Isabel laughed slightly as she said, "Ah.. hahaha, well I'm not the CEO unfortunately… I'm just his Secretary!"

She said as the deep and Charming voice of Nathan was heard, "If you're looking for the new CEO, then that would be me!"

Nathan said as he Walked towards them both and upon seeing Jason's hands still holding Isabel by the shoulder, he furrowed his brows in slight annoyance.