Walking into the meeting room was Mia and behind her was Katy to went on ahead to take a seat at the round table.

And with them all present, Mia then said with a serious look, "Good morning everyone and thank you for coming here today!" 

Said Mia as she then made her way to her seat and seated around the round desk were Kate and Jennifer mom's who were of course their sponsors and lets not forget Katy who was Annabel's sponsor.

"May I know why you had called for this meeting Mrs. Parker?" Asked Kate's mother.

And that was the same question both Katy and Jennifer's mother had in mind.

And upon hearing her words, Mia said, "I'm sorry for calling you all at such short notice but there is something very important that needs your attention, something has come up and it may lead to me taking to drastic decision that may affect your daughters in this contest so I wanted you all to be aware of it before hand!"