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"Now let's get rock climbing!!"

Siad Nathan as they all got ready.

It was gonna be like a competition and the first participants were Rebecca, Jason and Lilia.

And the winner would be facing off against the winner of the other two teams.

The Second team was Isabel, and Daisy, Gideon and lastly, Natahn, Carlos and Zack.

And so the contest began. At team A, Jasln was already in the lead with Rebecca and Lilia behind as the others cheered them on.

Seeing them climb, Isabel was smiling from ear to ear. 

She was so happy to finally go mountain climbing again, even though it was an artificial one it was still a nice expression.

She remembered how she and her dad used to rock climb years ago.

When they climb a huge mountain, they would get to see the beautiful sun set and amazing view of the entire town and village.