"Now this is unexpected!" 2

Who was Julia?

Well we could call her Juliet but the name Julia was much easier to type.

Julia is a 28 year old model who has been friends with Nathan for a long time.

Since kindergarten till university, they have both been friends or we could both refer to them as more than friends but their relationship was somewhat different.

Maybe it was the fact that they only seeked sexual pleasures from one another and nothing more.

Julia broke up with her boyfriend and that same night, she has Nathan slept with one another, breaking their ties as friends and instead making them "Friends with benefit!"

They would continue to be each other's warmth at least until the other person finds someone they love and then they let each other go.

But it seems like Nathan is still uncertain about his feelings for Isabel as he still prefers laying with Julia.

Opening his eyes slightly, Nathan was welcomed by that familiar scent of dry lotus and cool soup.