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Maribel, clad in a flowy sundress and a worried expression, approached her sister Annbel's room with a tray of food in her hands. Softly knocking on the door, she called out, "Annbel, I brought you some food. Are you ready to eat?" 

As she received no response, her concern grew. Concerned, Maribel slowly turned the doorknob and gently pushed the door open.

Her heart skipped a beat as Maribel's eyes landed on her sister lying on the ground, seemingly lifeless. 

With pills scattered around the ground as it surrounded her.

Shock painted across her face, she dropped the tray of food, and her hands instinctively flew to cover her mouth in horror. "Ah! Annbel!" 

Maribel's voice trembled as she let out a piercing scream, the sound echoing through the silent room.