You are coming home with me

Nick sucked in a breath stepping back, all the while cursing inwardly when he noticed the challenge in Vanessa's eyes. He knew that she didn't like being challenged and him telling her that he had no interest in her was literally inviting trouble for himself, a part of him liked that she would push back when he pushed her but at the same time he was annoyed by her lack of understanding. But most of his annoyance was because a certain part of his body was struggling again against the suppression that he was applying to it whenever it came to this woman. 

This intensity of his attraction to her made him feel guilty, made him feel like he was doing something really bad given what he has went through in the past. He knew that the world of the mafia wasn't for him and he sort of despised it as well but damn Vanessa for making him feel like there was more to her and the reason she was in the job. He was yet to put a stop to these feelings that he went through.