The party (3)

Matilda stood rooted in place, her heart beating unevenly with goosebumps surfacing on the area of her smooth skin as she stared at Leonard wide open in total paralysis unable to move as she felt her world breaking and crumbling apart at Leonard's blunt and harsh words.

"No this can't be happening.", she deluded herself inwardly, maybe perhaps she had misheard him?, yes that had to be it, she told herself, she was about to speak up when Leonard threw her a murderous glare making the blonde-haired girl gulp and shudder uncontrollably in fear, Leonard was simply too scary cold and imposing for the fragile girl to handle.

"Say another word and it would be your last.", he spoke coldly making even Evelyn shudder from fright, her eyes darted around nervously, and was not the least surprised to find literally all eyes on her,

"Great just great, already getting so much attention just a few minutes getting to school, what worse could happen?.", her mind raced with thoughts, sitting near the campfire she saw one of the many girls glaring daggers at her give her the middle, finger while whispering the word 'Slut', deeply angered by the stupid girl's remark, she turned to Leonard.

"silly me," she said with a smile, "I think I left the door unlocked Matilda, it's best if I go back and check, wouldn't want our stuff stolen before tomorrow.", she said with a burst of forced laughter as she lied her way smoothly, quite frankly lying had become one of her bad habits, after all, she spent over six years in a mental asylum, lying was something normally done in an everyday basis to get out of trouble, unfortunately for her Leonard was not buying into any of it.

"Don't worry about that, I'll personally pay for whatever gets stolen, I'm wealthy and rich.", he said with a straight face, making Evelyn furrow her brows "NARCISSIST!!", she screamed inwardly, Matilda seeing it was how futile it was to get Leonard to change his mind quietly walked away with a sulky face as she sobbed quietly leaving Evelyn with her dream crush who had crushed her fragile heart Leonard filled with regret on bringing the white-haired bitch with her.

"Walk with me.", Leonard spoke firmly as he walked gracefully, Evelyn furrowed her brows deeply at his arrogant attitude, who the hell goes to a girl trying to initiate a conversation and then orders the girl to walk with him? why does he act like some type of king?.

Does he perhaps think she's some low-class bitch who would willingly do as he says, she frowned with the thought and was about to decline when she saw both the boys who had walked in with Leonard give a murderous gaze obviously threatening her not to decline, gazing at the one named Liam who had lots of tattoos and personified the description of a typical bad boy probably in a gang, she hesitantly followed Leonard walking a few steps behind him trying her best to ignore the murderous and hateful glares she got from the girls.

"What a bitch."

"Who does she think she is?."

"I'm sure Leonard only wants to fuck her, and after that, he would happily dump her."

"Look at her ugly white hair, she's like an old woman." came the vicious whispers of insult laced with hate and jealousy towards Evelyn, however already used to hate and insults her whole life it did little to nothing in angering her, all she wanted was her own space, completely left alone and unbothered, she hated being put in the limelight.

Evelyn led by Leonard was brought to sit alongside his two friends around the campfire, she sat between Liam and Jeremy while Leonard sat opposite them across the campfire gazing at her through his deep blue gorgeous eyes, she was confused as to why Leonard had brought her here however she kept a calm facade avoiding his gaze which she felt was creepy.

"Hi I'm Liam." the boy with a lot of tattoos said with a smile pretending like he hadn't given her a deadly glare a while ago, extending his hand for a handshake which Evelyn ignored when she replied

"Evelyn." it wasn't that she intended to be rude, however growing up in a mental asylum and enduring so much torture deeply traumatized her that she felt triggered by physical contact, thankfully the boy named Liam did not seem upset by her behavior and simply smiled before saying

"On your left is Jeremy, and opposite us is the ever handsome Leonard," he said enthusiastically with a chuckle that earned him a glare from Leonard.

"Nice to meet you Evelyn." like Leonard the boy named Jeremy was also good looking though not like the aforementioned, what she found most attractive about him was his beautiful jade green eyes, the admiration in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Leonard who glared dangerously at Jeremy, understanding full well what that glare meant Jeremy quickly stood up before saying

"I'll go get us something to eat," he said quickly before sprinting from them which Evelyn found strange, it was almost like he was nervous, she was however snapped out of her reverie by Leonard when he asked

"What is your name?."