Unexpected siblings

"Where..where am I?." Came a whisper from a white-haired girl fluttering her eyelids open revealing her deep beautiful blue eyes as alluring and serene as the deep blue ocean which for a moment entranced the figure sitting next to her at her bedside.

"Evelyn you are awake." the figure next to her said out loud in relief drawing his presence closer to hers, hearing his masculine voice Evelyn trailed her sight towards the figure squinting her eyes to get a better look at him as her eye sights were still blurry.

"Asher?." she exclaimed in shock seeing the boy who had not too long ago been pummelled by Leon with fists looking clean with only a few cuts and bruises on his face, wasn't he beaten to the point he became unconscious a while ago? then how come his face only had a few cuts and bruises almost like he wasn't in a fight at all? she asked inwardly.

"Your face it's... healed," she said meekly staring at him in disbelief

"Hahaha it is isn't it?" Asher said smiling sheepishly with his hand scratching the back of his neck thinking of an excuse to give her for his rapid unnatural healing abilities "Leonard punches were weak, he punches like a little girl." he said with a smile making Evelyn chuckle out loud, then why would he pass out from his punches if it were weak as he said? she thought with a smile, Asher as if reading her inner thoughts spoke.

"I didn't actually pass out, I faked the whole thing." he lied casually which Evelyn being a chronic liar could already discern however knowing she was the reason he was being attacked in the first place she refused to voice out her thoughts and instead smiled sweetly at him, she didn't know how he had sustained only a few cuts from being pummelled by Leon repeatedly however she was grateful nonetheless that he was okay, that was what mattered the most.

"Thank you for standing up for me." she thanked him sincerely holding back sobs, she had never felt what it felt like to be protected unconditionally, it was a new strange warm feeling for her, Asher with a widened grin ran his hands through her hair as he pulled her in for a warm embrace which Evelyn reciprocated, they remained silent in each other embrace with Evelyn sobbing mildly for a few minutes before she pulled away wiping off her teary eyes.

"Sorry I ruined your shirt with my tears," she said with a chuckle which earned a peal of loud laughter from Asher

"It's fine I didn't like the shirt anyway." he retorted

"How long have I been unconscious?." she asked with her gaze on him.

"About three hours... you gave me quite a scare, luckily Scarlett was here to assure me you'd be fine," he said with a smile, earlier when he regained consciousness a few minutes after passing out he had searched immediately for Evelyn and was beyond shocked and worried when he was told by one of the students by the hallway that she had passed out from fear.

without wasting a second further he had quickly made his way to the infirmary when he saw Leonard and his pack of hooligans stepping out of the clinic, to his greatest surprise Leonard ignored his presence and restrained from further attacks as he walked passed him with Jeremy and Liam trailing behind.

"Scarlett? " she asked with a furrowed brow, the name sounded familiar, straining her mind trying to recollect where she had heard the name, her eyes widened on remembering who she was, Leon's ex.

"Yes, she's my sister."

"WHAT?!!" Evelyn's eyes widened even further, there was no resemblance or relativity between both of them besides they were insanely attractive.

"Adopted sister." Scarlett corrected startling Evelyn who had no idea when or how she had walked in without her presence noticed, Scarlett was a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes staring all the while at Asher with a flirtatious gaze.

"Good you are finally awake, thought we'd lost you there," she said with a mocking smirk

"Scarlett...be nice," Asher said with a glare

"What?...who the hell faints for hours?." she said with a smile

"Sorry about my sister, she can be well.. overbearing and annoying at times," he whispered to Evelyn's ear making Scarlett roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Seriously you too brother?." she asked with a frown


"Nevermind," she said waving her hands, Evelyn on the hand was rendered speechless by this unexpected information, Scarlett and Asher were like polar opposites to her, she wandered how the two of them could get along with each other.

"Asher, Christine give us the room," she said Christine nodded before exiting however Asher narrowed his eyes dangerously at Scarlett refusing to leave making her roll her eyes even further, she could already tell her brother was completely smitten by the girl.

"Why?." he asked

"Cause I need to check on her, I can't do my job with u hovering around her like a vulture hovers a dead carcass." she spat out harshly.

"It's fine, you can just wait outside," Evelyn said

"Are you sure?."

"Yes," she replied with flushed cheeks, she still hadn't gotten used to having someone being protective and concerned for her wellbeing, hearing her reply he nodded in understanding before reluctantly exiting the infirmary.

Scarlett strolled leisurely like a predator sizing up its prey at Evelyn before asking "Evelyn is it?."

"Yes," she replied with furrowed brows, she could already tell what the red-haired lady was about to say next.

"Stay the hell away from Leon or else....."


her voice trailed off hearing the clicking sound of a tongue, startled both Evelyn and Scarlett trailed their sights towards the entrance door, sighting the figure standing at the entrance Evelyn noticed the huge change in Scarlett's behavior.

"Scarlett that's no way to treat a junior " he spoke In a disappointed tone

"Principal, I wasn't expecting your visit," she spoke calmly

"My visit was....not planned, Leave us Scarlett, miss Evelyn and I have a lot to discuss," he said with his usual trademark smile which both Evelyn and Scarlett found to be honestly creepy and frightening.