Evelyn's nightmare

Music recommendation: Arcade by Duncan Laurence ft fletcher

[Warning mature contents]

"PLEASE LET ME GO!" the bone chilling voice of a girl echoed through the thin walls of an emergency room, the white haired girl who was retrained on a bed with cuffs on both sides of her arms and legs thrashed and screamed out loud in fright for the figure standing in front of her with a wicked smirk etched on his face, gripped firmly on his hands was a syringe which the white haired girl was all too familiar with, inside the syringe was a paralytic drug that would immediately send her into a state of paralysis while the dangerous figure before her has his fun with her by inflicting agonizing pain on her.

"Shh how many times have I told you that screaming would only make things worse?." he said shaking his head in disappointment, the man before her was none other than her worst nightmare Mr Oliver, a cold sadistic psychopathic manic who derived pleasure from inflicting pain on patients, of all the patients in the asylum she had become his favorite patient for torture.

"Please I took my meds as you instructed," she said through sobs, her eyes reddened from crying profusely.

"Lies Evelyn," he said with a chuckle, "the nurses told me they heard you screaming in your ward, you wouldn't be screaming if you did as I instructed," he added slowly injecting the syringe into her wrist.

"No..no it wasn't true," she said out loud shivering in fright, she had been admitted into the asylum for the past two years and had built up quite a reputation as the girl who wails, to make it more frightening and eerie to the staffs a death of a person follows shortly after her bone-chilling screams, this made her blacklisted and quite frankly feared by the staffs in the hospital, some had gone as far as referring her as a cursed witch while some of them enjoyed inflicting pain on her claiming she was the devil.

"Are you saying the nurses are liars?." he asked with furrowed brows even though he had earlier lied about the nurses reporting about her screams, with a crooked smile on his face he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket.

"No.. that's...that's not what I meant..Arrgh!" she screamed out loud in agonizing pain as Mr Oliver placed the tip of the burning cigarette on her thighs, she was currently wearing the patient gown which left a little of her thighs exposed, he left the cigarette burning against her thighs for a few more seconds before retracting his hands.

"Please, please I won't scream again I promise, this...this would be the last time," she begged with tears streaming down her cheeks while she trashed violently trying to free her grip from the restraint which unfortunately only left cuts and bruises on her wrists, Mr Oliver enjoying her screams as he could feel his orgasm drawing nearer took one of her fingers and snapped it violently dislocating it which earned another bone-chilling scream from Evelyn.

"Please stop, I'm begging you" she screamed at the top of her lungs, hearing her screams Mr Oliver was able to get his first release and with a devilish smile on his face, he gently placed his hands on her forehead.

"Shh don't cry the night is still young and the fun has only just begun," he said with a smile which made the white haired girl thrash more violently trying to free her wrist from its restraint.

"No no no let me go please" she screamed out loud in terror in fright for the horrors to come.


"Evelyn wake up, hey wake up." Matilda yelled at her sleeping roommate who seemed to be having a serious nightmare judging from how violently screaming and thrashing She was on the bed.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" she yelled out loud slapping Evelyn hard across the face which immediately jolted the white-haired girl awake with beads of sweat on her forehead while she shuddered uncontrollably from fright.

"Jeez, you scared me for a second there," Matilda said with pressed lips

"My...my meds, please get me my meds it's in my bag," she spoke meekly, Matilda for a second stared at Evelyn with furrowed brows before getting walking towards her bag to get her drugs.

"Are you okay?." she asked with a frown giving Evelyn the drugs

"Yes I'm fine, sorry for bothering you, it won't happen again." she said forcing a smile on her face and trying to compose herself as she took her meds "It's all over now, you are free, he can't hurt you anymore" she muttered to herself repeatedly holding back sobs, her earlier nightmare was but a fraction of what she had endured for the past six years.

Matilda noticing how Evelyn shivered uncontrollably could already guess the nightmare might have been a bad traumatic memory from the past and even though at the moment she hated Evelyn for ruining her chance with her dream crush she didn't have the heart to stay upset and angry at her seeing how vulnerable she looked right now almost like she was having a mental breakdown, with a deep sigh she sat next to Evelyn and pulled her in for a tight warm hug which startled the white-haired girl momentarily.

"I thought you hated me?."

"Yes I do, now shut up and stay still." Matilda retorted with a scoff which made Evelyn chuckle out loud in humor, seconds passed in each other's embrace before Evelyn's eyes lit up in shock as the events of last night came rushing in like a flood

"Oh my God" she screamed inwardly, remembering how the delinquent boy had returned with his friends wanting to teach her a lesson, she also remembered how calm and composed Leonard was however she had no idea of what happened afterward the last thing she remembered was falling asleep all of a sudden, or perhaps she had fainted? she asked inwardly, still, it doesn't explain how she's in her room all of a sudden, was Leonard okay? was the thought that rampaged her already unstable mind as she vividly remembered how outnumbered Leonard was.

"Matilda how did I get here?" she asked frantically earning a look of perplexion from Matilda.

"What do you mean? you were already back here by 11 pm, I didn't know when you arrived but I woke up briefly at that time to get something to drink when I found you sleeping perfectly fine on the bed" she said with a frown making Evelyn's eyes widen in shock, was Leonard okay? if he was did he seriously carry her all the way back to her room at the girl's domitorium? how was that even possible? someone would need superhuman strength to be able to pull off such a feat, she thought inwardly with a frown settled on her beautiful face.

This chapter was really difficult for me to write, couldn't help but get emotional at what Evelyn had endured, guessing some of my readers are starting to have positive views about Matilda? hahaha, guess she isn't just a bitch after all hehehe