Girl's Domitorium

"Alright girls, this is your domitorium," Miss Vera smiled sweetly at the girls, her aura and demeanor emitting warmth and care. The new female students led by the blonde-haired woman were led to the girl's domitorium.

Along the way both Evelyn and the girls were visibly stunned at the sophisticated structures built around the school premises, in contrast to her earlier expectations St Donavan Academy was astonishingly large covering at least 500acres of land, strangely too much for a high school she thought.

Evelyn was enthralled by the strange looking large statues of wolves around the school, she had earlier asked the reason why however in miss Vera words she said it was just simply decorations, Along the way Evelyn and the girls had been shown both the science and art building were their learning would take place.

Evelyn being an art student was beyond impressed at the large beautiful structure of the art building which appeared to be new, seeing the sophisticated buildings in St Donavan she was starting to question if perhaps the rumors about this school were


"Umm..where is the boy's domitorium Miss Vera?." Questioned shamelessly a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed girl with her side mesmerizing blonde hair plaited, wearing red lipstick and a long pink gown, turning their heads the girls were stunned at how pretty the girl was, second only to the white-haired girl Evelyn, upon hearing her shameless words Evelyn rolled her eyes knowing exactly why she had asked the question, obviously so she could visit the bad boy from earlier.

"It's just around the back, not too far from here, probably a ten-minute walk."Miss Vera answered politely making the blonde-haired girl grin widely ear to ear knowing the pretty boy stayed not too far away from her, upon closer inspection Evelyn who was a very good judge of character could already tell this girl to be a spoiled little princess who feels entitled to everything, she could only hope they weren't in the same year so she wouldn't have to cross paths with her.

"You girls are going to be paired to a room." miss Vera said making Evelyn frown in disgust, if there was something she hated the most In a boarding school it was having to pair with someone, it wasn't even mentioned on the school website.

"I'm sure you all were given a number when you were admitted, you are going to be paired with the number following immediately after yours, which means if your number is Senior year 1-1 you will have to pair with the person having a senior year 1-2 as his number, or Senior year 1- 23, the person who has senior year 1-24 would become your roommate" After explaining further she handed 50 keys among the 100 students present, each key were inscribed with a room number.

"I understand you new students would need some time to adjust to your new environment, so the management has given you students from now till next week to adjust... It's not Mandatory, those of you who are eager to resume right away can resume classes tomorrow" she said with a smile before leaving.

"What number are you" Evelyn heard Annabelle ask frantically, like her it seems the nerd-looking girl was also not too pleased with having to pair with someone.

"Senior year 1-12, what's yours?" she asked making the nerd looking girl frown in disappointment,

"Senior year 1-2" she answered dejectedly

"Did I hear you say senior year 1-12?" came the enthusiastic melodious voice of a girl, Evelyn trailed her sight towards the girl who stood just a few meters away from her, it was the same girl who had asked for the boy's domitorium, she nodded weakly making the blonde haired girl frown slightly.

she hated having to pair with someone with superior looks in comparison to her, what if she brings a boy over? wouldn't he be smitten by this unparalleled beauty before her, She walked towards Evelyn with a probing gaze inspecting the girl intently before her lips pulled up into a slight smile, to her relief albeit the girl was prettier than her, her body structure paled in comparison to hers.

The girl before her was well...too skinny in comparison to her with her luscious seductive body, didn't boys prefer a banging body to a pretty face she questioned herself and besides she was also incredibly beautiful too, she would obviously be the choice for many boys, well not that she cared about any as she already had her sight on one, Leonard.

"It seems we are going to be roomies." she said with a beaming smile "I'm senior year 1-11," she said making Evelyn curse inwardly at her wretched fate, she literally would have preferred anyone else to the smug looking princess before her.

"Nice to meet you I'm Evelyn," she said forcing a smile

"Matilda," she replied with a smile that anyone could easily tell to be forced " our room's room 6," she said and Evelyn nodded in reply before turning to the nerd-looking girl who seemingly had been sulking inwardly.

"Are you an art or science student?" She inquired

"Science," she said an expected reply "What about you?." she asked

"Art." she replied making Matilda frown even further, not only would she share a room with the pretty girl but it seems she would also have to share classes with her.

"Umm.. okay, bye for now," Annabelle said in a disappointed tone before leaving to find her roommate, watching her exiting figure she took a deep sigh before following Matilda towards their room.