14 Around The Campfire

Early in the morning, after the recruits completed their morning exercise, Haitao and his party of ten slowly walked up the mountain, while the rest of the recruits were still training at the training ground.

Timicin led the way up the mountain, and when he looked back, Chinua, Khunbish, and Khenbish followed Haitao. The three seemed to be discussing something important with Haitao. He saw Haitao pointing at the mountain and the foot of the mountain, and he didn't know what they were talking about because they were far behind the others.

Terbish stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Muunokhoi put his arms around Timichin's shoulders and asked, "Yeah, what's wrong with you? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"

Timicin said, "Look down, what are Chinua and Captain Haitao talking about? It seems to be very important."

Terbish turned to look at Chinua. He nodded and said, "Yeah, it seems so. What they're talking about?"

Timichin said, "How do I know."

Muunokhoi said, "Should we go ask?"

Terbish said, "You idiot, if you ask, it's clear we're watching them."

Muunokhoi, "Hey, I don't want to be part of your spy team. I'm a neutral person.

Od said, "Timicin, you'd better be careful."

Timicin asked, "Why?"

Od said, "Because if Chinua and Captain Haitao become good friends, you will be finished."

Timicin sneered, "You think I'm afraid of her...?"

Everyone stopped and looked at Timicin.

Chaghatai asked, "What do you mean by her?"

Erden said, "No matter how much you hate Chinua, don't call him that, he saved your life last night."

Od said, "Also, Khunbish and Khenbish are her friends. Obviously, they are the two strongest recruits here except Och."

Och said, "Timicin, forget about it, we'll be here for a long time."

Chaghatai said sadly, "It's best for you two to reconcile. As Captain Haitao's subordinates, everyone else has looked down on us, so why look down on each other in our small circle?"

Terbish said, "I agreed with Chaghatai."

Muunokhoi, "Me too." He shook his head. "If I hadn't overslept, I wouldn't have been put in Captain Haitao, but I accept it. Instead of making a fuss, I learn how to make the situation work for me."

Timicin said, "I don't hate Chinua."

Chaghatai asked, "Then why do you always stick your nose into his problem?"

Timicin said, "It annoyed me."

Erden teased, "Annoyed because he is better than you?"

Timicin grabbed Erden by the collar, leaned closer, and said, "Next time you talk to me like this, I'll shoot you in the ass during training." He pushed Erden away.

The men mocked, "Woo...how scary..."

Erden quipped, "My ass is quite deep down and if you want a piece of my juicy ass you have to use your own arrow."

The men burst into laughter.

Timicin kicks Erden, but Erden moves left and avoids Timicin's kick. He laughed, "My mobility is like passing wind, you have to kick better."

Chaghatai put his arms around Timicin and Erden shoulders, "Stop fooling around." He quickly released their shoulders and started running towards the mountain road. "Whoever is last to the top will be named the black sheep."

Muunokhoi shouted, "You Cheater!" He quickly caught up with Chagatai.

Timicin grabbed Erden's hand and dragged him back. "You're the black sheep." He rushed up towards the others leaving behind Od and Erden.

Erden shouted, "Hey wait for me." Erden and Od quickly chased each other up the hill after the others.

Climbing to the top, Chinua and Haitao stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking the entire training camp. Standing on the highest point of the valley, Chinua could see the huge body of water ringing on the top of the mountain.

"As we passed that area," Chinua said, pointing to the valley. "I was wondering what's lying on the other side of the mountain."

Haitao said, "On the other side of the mountain is a small village. It takes about a day's walk from the mountain to get there."

Chinua asked, "There are so many benefits to the mountains, why don't the villagers stay nearby."

"They are afraid of floods and landslides in the rainy season," Haitao said, pointing to the big river. "On the other side of that river, is the country of Alohu."

Chinua asked, "How big is Alohu?"

Haitao smiled and said, "The entire northern as far as the eyes could see is the country of Alohu."

Chinua asked, "That must mean that Alhu has a strong army."

Haitao laughed, "On the contrary, they have the fewest troops. Alohu is a country fill of snow and miles of miles of nothing. The weather is cold and unpredictable all year round, and winter is very excruciating. The further you travel into the heart of Alohu, the colder the weather. That's why we were able to set our training camp on the borders of Alohu."

Chinua sighed, "I think it's also a good advantage for their country defense."

Haitao, "Why does Chinua think so?"

"Because whoever wants to risk an invasion will get nothing but ice and snow," Chinua said. She turned to Haitao and looked him up and down. "Those who refuse to take you as captain is at great loss."

Khunbish walked up to Chinua and Haitao and said, "Chinua, the meal is ready."

Haitao said, "Let's go eat."

When Chinua and Haitao came back, they sat in a small circle around the others, Chinua said, "Captain, thank you for taking us on this sightseeing tour, it opened my eyes, what should we do tomorrow?"

Haitao said, "I'm thinking of taking you out hunting."

Od jumped up excitedly, "Hunting... I like hunting, and I'm finally going to show my skills."

Erden said, "If your bow skills are so good, why didn't you pick up the intruder's bow last night?"

Od said, "I was about to pick it up, but Chinua was two steps closer."

Chaghatai said, "I don't remember, I remember you hiding behind Captain Haitao."

Erden stood up, quickly sat beside Haitao, and said, "Captain Haitao, speaking of last night... I didn't know you were so skilled. Why didn't you teach us this, but took us sightseeing, fishing, and hunting instead?"

Chaghatai said, "Erden does have a point. "He stared at Haitao and frowned. "Why don't you teach us these fighting skills? So, stingy..."

Haitao smiled and said, "I taught you well, but you don't listen to my teaching. How can you be good at archery, just shoot a target that doesn't even move? To improve your archery, you have to hit the moving target." He hit Erden. "Think about it... Will the enemy target stand still for you to shoot at? Huh?"

Od said, "While that's true, I don't recall you teaching us anything other than eating and sleeping."

Haitao said indifferently, "It's your own fault to be lazy, don't shirk your responsibility."

Terbish said, "Taking us fishing doesn't teach us anything. Taking us sightseeing doesn't teach us anything."

Muunokhoi, "When we gave you an answer, you told us that our eyesight is very good." He looked at Haitao. "I'm sorry, but I also have to express my concerns."

Haitao looked at his clumsy subordinates and felt a little distressed for them. He felt that his good intentions were in vain. He sighed and said, "Why don't you ask Chinua, the same question I asked everyone every time when we go out?"

Timicin looked at Chinua and asked, "What's the difference?"

Haitao said, "Chinua's answer, and the rest of your answers, are like heaven and earth." He laughed.

Och looked at Chinua and asked, "What did you see?"

Chinua smiled and said, "Captain Haitao took everyone out for sightseeing, not to take you to relax." She looked at the other people sitting on the ground. "He's teaching everyone strategy."

Timicin stopped chewing and looked at Chinua, "Strategy?

"If you know the land like the back of your hand and can use your environment to your advantage, you can predict where your enemies are most likely to attack," says Chinua, who hands the grilled fish to Haitao. "Throughout the history, those who win on the battlefield do not rely on strength to fight alone but rely on good strategies to win." She looked at the speechless people sitting around the small bonfire. "Because they have a good strategic plan."

Terbish said, "Chinua, very smart. I think only one genius can understand another genius."

Chinua laughed, "Its common sense."

Erden threw a bun at Chinua but was caught by Khunbish. He hissed at Chinua, "Are you calling us stupid?"

Od stepped aside quickly and sat between Chinua and Khenbish, putting his hand on Chinua's shoulder. He said, "Chinua...my brother, please teach me how to shoot like you."

Chinua took the bun from Khunbish and stuffed it into Od's mouth. She said, "You ask the wrong person." She pointed to Khunbish and Khenbish. "They are the people you need to ask. I learn from them."

Timicin asked, "Captain Haitao, why don't you tell everyone what you taught?"

Muunokhoi, "It will clear up a lot of misunderstandings."

Och said, "It also stops people from calling you a clown."

Haitao said, "Those who don't want to learn from me, it's not worth my explanation."

The group of men hissed at Haitao, then threw their bun at Haitao. Haitao raised his hand to block the buns and said, "Hey...hey...at least I'm still your commander."

Chinua sat and watched the men sitting around her arguing freely and eating around a small campfire. She sighed and said softly, "So this is what it feels like to eat together as a family."