27 The Most Dangerous Road Is The Safest Road

"Hye!" A scream sounded in the small room.

Hye felt a hand grab his hair, pulling his head back aggressively. Immediately, it appeared from nowhere, and he saw a person's fist flying out from the right side, attacking him, the fist hit his right temple heavily, and there was a crisp sound in his ear. The hand grabbed his hair domineeringly again and lifted his head up.

"Nabi…" He heard himself painfully groans with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth

Hye continues to hear Nabi screaming for help. When Hye's became somewhat clear, he slowly raised his head. He saw horrific scenes of four men fondling and squeezing Nabi's breasts.

"Hye!" Nabi looked at Hye with tears in her eyes and watched helplessly as the two soldiers kept kicking Hye. "Hye! Hye! Help me!"

Two soldiers quickly pinned Hye to the floor with their feet. When Hye finally got himself under control, he looked up at Nabi, who was already pinned to the ground by three soldiers.

"Nabi! Nabi! Let her go!" Hye screamed, trying to break free from the grip of the two soldiers pinning him to the ground. "Nabi!" He cried. "Nabi!"

"Little missy." The soldiers laughed loudly.

The three soldiers started tearing Nabi's clothes. One soldier grabbed Nabi's hand, while the other two held Nabi's foot.

The door opened, and Jochi walked in with two soldiers. He looked at the people in the room, at his soldiers who were about to commit rape. "Finish quickly," Jochi glanced at Hye. He walked out of the room with two soldiers.

The soldier took off his trousers and knelt between Nabi and began to rape Nabi. Then after the first soldier finished, the second soldier raped Nabi, then the third, the fourth, and so on. At first Hye could hear Nabi's crying, but as time passed, Nabi's voice became smaller and smaller, until he could no longer hear Nabi's voice, only the pulsating sounds of the soldiers who raped Nabi. After the soldiers committed war crimes, they took turns beating Hye again. Hye knew they would kill him if he didn't play dead, so he played dead. After a few more kicks, the soldiers thought Hye was dead and decided to leave.

After a long silence, Hye finally opened his eyes and slowly crawl to where the soldiers had left Nabi. He groaned lowly, "Nabi… Nabi…" Stretching his body towards Nabi's lifeless body bit by bit. "Nabi…" When he came to Nabi's body, he found three knives stabbed on Nabi's body. One on the heart and two on Nabi's abdomen. Holding Nabi's lifeless body, he whimpered loudly. "Nabi!" he screamed and continued to sob.

It was early morning when Chinua looked down at Hye who was sleeping on his left side. Chinua saw Hye's hands clenched tightly into a fist. In his sleep, he muttered the name Nabi. She lightly kicked Hye's foot with her right foot, trying to wake him up.

"Hey, wake up," Chinua said. "Hey…"

Hye didn't wake up from the nightmare, but Khawn was awakened by Chinua's voice. Khawn looked over and saw Hye's body trembling. He knew right away that Hye must have had a nightmare. He quickly shook Hye's body. "Wake up," he said.

"Nabi!" Hye sat up abruptly, panting heavily.

Chinua knelt on one knee in front of Hye, seeing the cold sweat on his face. Chinua asked, "Who is Nabi?"

Hye looked at Chinua coldly. "You don't deserve to know who she is," he stared madly at Chinua.

Khunbish looked down at Hye and warned, "Better watch your mouth when talking to Chinua."

Hye got up and cleaned the dirt off his pants. "I'm not her slave, I don't have to respect her," he said looking blanky at Khunbish.

Khenbish said, "We were never Chinua slaves."

Hye smiled and said, "I've only heard of men having multiple wives, but never of women having multiple husbands."

Chinua smiled at Hye and said, "Do you want to be one of my men?"

Hye chuckled, "Well…"

Chinua looked at Khunbish and Khenbish. "If he decides to become one of my men, cut off his penis," she said as she turned to walk towards Haitao and the others.

Khenbish looked at Hye and said, "Only eunuchs can follow Chinua."

Khawn said, "Does that mean I have to…"

Khunbish frowned, "Hurry up and drag him away."

Khawn pulled the rope and followed Chinua.

Khenbish looked at Khunbish and said, "Chinua is not going to really cut off his penis, isn't she?"

Khunbish smiled and shook his head. "If Chinua is going to cut off anyone's penis, we will be the first."

After a long day of walking, thousands of soldiers reached the crossroads. Each division captain said their farewell and different divisions had gone different ways as Taban continued to lead his team straight forward heading south.

Taban stopped and turned to look at the people following behind him. "Over that mountain, was where our last supplies were stolen, we have to be careful," he said.

Haitao turned his head to look at Chinua, "What do you think of this Chinua?"

Chinua looked and saw a river flowing downstream. She asked, "Where does this river lead to?"

Taban said, "This river flow straight to the southwest, all the way to the south before it flows west into Tangolian."

Chinua turned to Taban and asked, "Captain Taban, it's possible to rest here and leave tomorrow morning? Our troops are also very tired."

Taban saw that the sun had begun to set on the horizon. He nodded to Chinua. He turned to his crew and said, "Rest tonight and get water for us and our horses."

Erden stepped forward and asked, "Captain Taban, is this the place you said we would need to prepare our own water supply?"

Taban smiled at Erden and said, "Yes. For the next three days we will be away from the river, and we will not have any water supply until we reach the next town."

Standing at the river, while Khunbish and Khenbish were prepare water for the five of them, Chinua turned to look at Haitao. She said, "I remember you taught us back then that the river is the fastest way to send supplies with the least number of troops."

Haitao said, "I did, so what are you thinking right now?"

Chinua said, "I was thinking of a diversion."

Haitao, "Diversion? Could it be that you want to use this river to transport these supplies? "

Chinua walked to Haitao and said, "Captain, I have always suspected that there are spies in the northern camp."

Haitao said, "You never told me about this."

Chinua asked, "Do you still remember the Tangolian I let go?"

Haitao said, "How could I not remember? You released that Tangolian spy and were punished by prince Dzhambul."

Chinua said, "General Batzorig said that those spies sneaked into prince Dzhambul's tent and tried to assassinate him, but failed, right?"

Haitao said, "That's what he said."

Chinua said, "There are thousands of tents in the whole camp, all of which look very similar. If there are no spies in the northern camp, how would those assassins know where Prince Dzhambul's tent is?" Chinua sighed. "I, too, was thinking that the reason why General Mönkhbat's supplies were sabotage was because someone wanted to destroy the morale of the southern army. If the South Gate camp was destroyed, the Tangolian army could easily take over if they wanted to." Looking at Haitao. "Captain, do you know how much supplies are going south every three months?"

Haitao said, "I don't know."

Chinua said, "Ten thousand bags of rice, three thousand bags of salt, ten thousand arrows, five hundred longbows, three thousand armors, and five thousand swords and spears."

Haitao asked, "For Chinua to know into the detail, Chinua is not an ordinary girl, who just want to join the Northern army for fun?"

Chinua chuckled, "It's not that I want to hide it from anyone, it's just that I just made a bet with a very high- rank person that I can pass the training without special treatment."

Haitao smiled and said, "So far, you have done a great job."

Chinua sighed and said, "Now I understand what you mean. Although General Mönkhbat and his soldiers are fierce, they lack support."

"What do you think is the best solution at present?" Haitao asked.

Chinua looked at Haitao, knowing that Haitao must have an answer to Chinua's worries, but he was waiting for Chinua to speak. "I think the most dangerous road is the safest road. If Captain Taban agrees."

Haitao nodded and said, "I hope our decision is the right decision."

Looking at the calm river, Chinua said, "Only by taking risks can we be sure whether this decision is right or wrong."

Back in the Northern Camp, inside the tent, Lexin was combing Dzhambul's hair. He put the comb on the table, put his arms around Dzhambul's neck, and looked at the map. He smiled and said, "You changed the order, why?"

Dzhambul turned around and gave Lexin a quick kiss. "If I were Chinua, I would use the Dongnana River as my main route for these shipments," he said.

Lexin threw the robe on the ground, turned around and sat on Dzhambul's lap, facing Dzhambul. "What if you're wrong?" He asked, putting his hands on Dzhambul's shoulders.

Dzhambul began to kiss Lexin's upper chest and squeezed Lexin's buttocks with both hands. "I'm pretty sure Chinua will use the Dongnana River. If I'm wrong, then I'll have to keep her in the south for the rest of her life."

Lexin moaned as Dzhambul's tongue pressed against his nipple. "You are not afraid; your father will know." He asked panting.

Dzhambul, "Why afraid? Are you afraid to die with me?" He gently bit Lexin's left nipple.

Lexin grabbed Dzhambul by the hair, tilted his head back, and looked at Dzhambul. "No...I'm even more afraid that I won't be able to die with you." He lowered his body and kissed Dzhambul forcefully. He got up from Dzhambul's lap, picked up Dzhambul, and carried Dzhambul to the bed while continuing to kiss Dzhambul.