29 Praise The Captain

The sun started to set over the horizon and the dry sand made the road become roadless and dusty. Facing the gentle breeze, a group of soldiers on horseback galloped past, leaving muddy tracks on the dirt road. Although sitting behind Khunbish, with her hand tightly wrapped around Khunbish's waist, and half of her face was covered with a handkerchief, Chinua could still smell the fresh earthy smell in the air. Her head peaked over Kunbish's shoulder, and the dirt in the air seemed to be caused by the horses in front of them. Chinua turned to the right and found Khenbish not far from her, Khawn and Khenbish are riding on the same horse. She turned left and found Timicin and Hye only two arm's length away from her.

Chinua called out, "Are there any bandits waiting for you guy?"

Timicin called out, "Some of them were waiting for us, but we sorted it out."

Fifty horses galloped continuously, and Chinua couldn't hear Timisin's voice clearly. She called out again, "What happened to the bandits?"

Timicin yelled, "We've taken care of them."

This time Chinua heard Timicin, so she buried her face on Khunbish's back and wrapped her arms around Khunbish tightly.

From where Hye sat, he could tell that Chinua was closer to Khunbish than anyone else around her. He watched as Chinua was sitting peacefully behind Khunbish, like a wife and her husband riding across the green meadows.

Hye asked, "Has that female soldier always been very close to that male soldier?"

Timicin said, "Chinua, Khunbish and Khenbish, have always been close."

Hye asked, "Don't you find it strange that a woman and two men walk into the Northern training camp so easily, and the grand general couldn't do nothing but welcome them with open arms?"

Timicin knew in his heart that what Hye said is right. He also kept wondering the same question. He didn't understand why General Batzorig would allow Chinua into the training camp. Not just that, but also allowed Khunbish and Khenbish to train with her, in his view, both Khunbish and Khenbish are more like her slaves. Then his eyes fell on Khawn, adding yet another unsolved mystery to the many he already had. He wondered why Batzorig pulled him aside, specifically ordering him to protect Chinua with his life. Timicin made up his mind that when they arrived at the South Gate camp, he would pull Chinua aside and talk to Chinua. He quickly whipped his horse's behind and chased after the other soldiers.

Just as night fell and they could only see a few feet ahead, the soldiers on horseback saw a bonfire not far away. A southern soldier began to whistle. He whistled three short notes and one long note. Then two other soldiers started whistling along with the first soldier. The three southern soldiers whistled three exact sets of notes. From a distance came the exact same tone and pitch.

"That's ours," one soldier said.

Haitao asked, "You mean it's Captain Taban and his men."

"Yes," replied the soldier. "If we don't send out the signal, we will be shot by the night watchman as soon as we arrive."

Although when Mönkhbat returned to the capital, Chinua would join Mönkhbat day and night begging Mönkhbat to tell the stories of his southern soldiers, but Chinua did not know that there was a code inside the army that only the soldiers knew.

"Third brother never told me about this." Chinua murmured.

Khunbish said, "Chinua, don't think too much. While general Mönkhbat has shared many military strategies with you, there are some rules that general Mönkhbat cannot share with you."

Chinua said, "I sincerely hope that third brother can share his art of war with me, because he might ask for my help one day."

Khunbish said, "Chinua is still young, and she has enough time to learn from everyone she meets. Chinua doesn't have to worry about her not being able to learn everything the world has to offer her. Maybe the time was not right before, which is why General Mönkhbat only taught Chinua self-defense. But I am sure that in our days to come, the South will give Chinua a better opportunity to train and learn from General Mönkhbat." He smiled. "To be honest, I also really want to learn from General Mönkhbat."

Chinua scoffed and said, "Khunbish, you're not Khenbish."

Khunbish said, "Although I am not Khenbish, I still want to learn. I know that with Khenbish, and my brain works together, we will not defeat Chinua's brilliant mind, but we will still work hard learning with you. There will be time, we may be able to help you."

Chinua said, "Third brother has always reminded me to love my subordinates like my own children. Only in this way, they will be willing to risk their lives to maintain my order. I am not sure how good of a leader I will become, but at the same time, I just want to be someone of value in the eyes of others."

Khunbish said, "Chinua may not know it, but in the eyes of me and Khenbish, Chinua has always been a great leader. Only a selfish leader, no matter how much power he gains, is unworthy and unworthy in anyone's eyes. I can't imagine Chinua being such a leader."

The three leading soldiers slowed down their horses, and the other soldiers following behind also slowed down their horses. They rode straight to the camp and stopped not far from where the others were sitting. Taban rushed to Haitao and the soldiers.

Taban smiled and said, "Captain Haitao, you made it."

Haitao smiled and said, "I'm glad you're here too."

Taban said, "Your plan was perfect, most of the bandits misread our plan. We only encountered a few bandits."

Haitao walked towards the bonfire with Taban and asked, "Were you able to make the bandits talk?"

Taban shook his head, "They refused to talk, so they are all dead now." He looked at the soldiers following them. He turned and smiled at the soldiers. "Everyone is doing well, thank you for your hard work." He walked up to Chinua and patted Chinua on the left shoulder. "You are a good soldier. I will not forget to mention your bravery and cleverness before General Mönkhbat." He turned and walked towards the campfire with Haitao.

Muunokhoi rushed forward and put his arms around Chinua's shoulders. "It's because of you that we're still alive," he said.

Chinua said, "Not me."

Och said, "How could it not be you? You came up with the idea."

Chinua said, "Actually, each of you should have thought of this idea, but it happened that I spoke first."

Erden said, "We never learned it."

Od said, "I have to agree with Erden on this one."

Chinua said, "We've all learned it. Our captain taught us in our first year of training."

Muunokhoi said, "I don't remember the captain teaching us anything like this before."

Chinua reminded the doubting comrades, "He takes everyone to go fishing every morning."

Timicin suddenly remembered, "Current River theory." He looked at the other six people. "At that time, we thought the captain was joking with us."

Timicin and the other six turned their heads to look at Haitao, who was sitting beside Taban talking and laughing around the campfire.

Och shook his head and said, "Our captain is truly a hero in bagger's clothes."

Terbish suddenly laughed.

Erden asked, "What's wrong?"

Terbish said, "Look back at those idiots who refused to be Captain Haitao's subordinates. I feel sorry for them."

Od said, "If all of those who refuse to accept captain Haitao as their trainer are idiots, then it means everyone standing here except Chinua, Khunish, and Khebish are also idiots."

Muunokhjoi said, "Od is right. Who would have thought that Chinua had God-like eyes and would be able to judge which captain is the best? Now I understand why Chinua said that Captain Haitao is General Batzorig's smartest captain under his command."

Chinua looked at the soldiers standing around. She smiled and said, "Khunbish is right. We are still young, and we still have time to learn from our older, more experienced captains and the people we are about to meet. If we are still breathing, we can still learn." She patted Od's left shoulder with her right hand. "I am very happy to fight and learn with everyone. Everyone regards me as a comrade in arms, and I, too, regard everyone as a comrade in arms."

Terbish said, "As long as you consider us your comrades in arms, we will be by your side."

Looking at the ten people standing beside him, Chinua said, "I have a phrase that only Khunbish and Khenbish know."

Everyone asked in unison, "What is it?"

Chaghatai said, "Tell us, or you still only regard Khunbish and Khenbish as your brothers."

Chinua said, "Well, technically, they weren't my brothers, but now they're my comrades."

Muunokhhoi said, "Tell us."

Chinua said, "Through Death Valley, we will march. Follow each other, every step of the way. Even if we don't know if we will emerge on the other side. But we will continue to march forward faithfully for our brothers, living and dead."

Od laughed and said happily, "Then that's what we will do. Fight side by side and die for each other. Agree?" He looked around at the people sitting beside him.

"Agree," Everyone replied loudly.

While dinner was being prepared, everyone started chatting.

Hye who was standing not far away, looked at the gathered eleven people, and murmured, "Through Death Valley, we will march. Follow each other, every step of the way. Even if we don't know if we will emerge on the other side. But we will continue to march forward faithfully for our brothers, living and dead." He sighed. "Of course, you know how to bring those who stand before you to their knees, but I will never bow to the life of you."