Mysterious Old Woman

Ciara walked back from the principal's office through giggling and mocking halls, completely devastated. The source of her devastation was not the 3-day detention sentence she just got from the principal, but the now famous and trending love letter to Reo.

She stared into space, looking the most hopeless she ever had in her entire life.

Her best friend Lana tried to comfort her.

"Hey, Ara. It's not the end of the world ok? We'll figure something out...", she said, putting a caring hand on her friend's shoulder.

Just as Lana uttered the last word, both girls spotted a massive crowd of students, buzzing excitedly at the school's public notice board as if it were the New York Times Square Billboard! The famous love letter was now mercilessly displayed there for all to see! The teeming crowd of students gathered to see the spectacle.

Ciara's heart dropped further down.

"I think it just about is, Lana. My life is over!...", she cried.

"...I've lived my life through High School successfully, without drama up until this year. My last year. Just a few weeks to go and suddenly, all my hard work goes up in flames! First, it was the drama with Luke, and now this! Why did Sonia have to become my stepsister? She's making my life a living hell!", Ciara complained bitterly.

She had been the cool and perfectly relaxed wallflower all through high school, observing all the crazy drama from the comfort of her cinema chair with 5D glasses, popcorn and soda in her hands.

Lana sighed sympathetically.

"Ara, look at me. This too is gonna blow over, alright? You can't let her get to you.", she encouraged Ciara with a hug.

"It's the end of school Lana. This isn't just gonna blow over. I'll always be known as the cheezy loser who's hung up over a ridiculous fantasy... I- I just can't.", Ciara burst into tears, broke out of Lana's hug and ran off school, headed home.

Lana followed behind, but she was caught at the exit by school security.

"Where do you think you're going, Missy? Trying to skip school, are we?... Back to your class! Now!", he ordered.

'...Ah... the other one was too quick.', he lamented.

Lana returned to class.

'Guess I'll go help her after school.', she thought.




Ciara was on her skateboard, skating home.

Her tears fell as she sped through the streets.

'God! Why did I write that letter in the first place? That was just so stupid!... Why do I have to go through all this?... Why did dad have to marry his mistress and make my life a living hell?!', she cried, questioning herself and everything else.

Just then, through blurry eyes, she noticed an old lady trying to cross the busy express.

Suddenly, the old lady bolted straight into the express road on a green light!

Ciara watched with horror as a large truck came at the old lady at full speed!

'Oh! shxx!'

Her body moved without thinking.

She rode her skateboard straight into the express road!

In a risky manoeuvre, she sped through the busy road and dove on the old lady from the opposite direction, snatching her from a lethal accident at the last minute.

The truck missed them by a hair, smashing Ciara's skateboard to bits and pieces!

Ciara squatted on the side of the road by the old lady she just rescued.

"Huff! Huff! Huf... Oh! My God! Are you okay ma'am?", she asked the strange old woman, breathing heavily.

Her eyes quickly scanned the old lady for any bruises. She looked fine.

"I- I'm just fine my dear... T- Thank you for saving me.", the old lady said with a warm smile, just before Ciara burst out with 'Gosh! What the hxll were you thinking diving into the street like that? Are you crazy?!'

Ciara swallowed her words.

"Please be more careful next time.", she advised politely, helping the old lady up from the paved concrete.

"My daughter, I am sorry to have caused you inconvenience. There are so few kind ones left. I'm lucky to have found one caring as you..." said the petite grey lady with a wrinkled palm on her chest. You could tell she was pretty shaken up.

Ciara looked concerned, but then the old lady suddenly burst into a shaky chuckle.

"...Haha!...Woo! Now, that was a close call! My whole life flashed right before my eyes!... hahaha!", she laughed.

Ciara raised an eyebrow at her.

'Who would joke at a time like this?! ...Lady, this is no laughing matter. You almost died!!', she was screaming in her thoughts.

But in reality, she just stared at the old woman with her face squeezed into a puzzle.

"Thank you, kind one... er... What's your name?", the old lady asked puzzled Ciara.

"Ciara ma'am...", Ciara replied, picking up the old lady's shawl, purse and bag of fresh buns scattered along the pedestrian side of the road. Thankfully, the items survived the accident and were still intact.

She held unto the gathered items with care, happy to take the burden off their wrinkled owner.

"Ah! Lovely name for a lovely little lady... You saved my life... or whatever is left of it... haha... I must express my gratitude.", the old lady added.

Ciara smiled.

'Funny and sweet old lady. Thank goodness I didn't blurt out nonsense haha...', she thought with a light blush and a sweatdrop on the side of her head.

"Oh! wow! I- I don't need anything, ma'am. It's okay.", she politely refused as she put the old lady's shawl over her shoulders and organised her dishevelled hair.

The old woman chuckled with age.

"Nothing, you say?... But I must thank you somehow.", she urged further.

"I really don't need anything... haha... It's fine... ", Ciara refused again with a respectful bow.

But the old lady won't take no for an answer.

"Oh, but I insist. My house is just across the road. Please let me at least treat you to these fresh, hot, delicious buns I just bought. The baker a couple blocks down makes the best buns in C country!", she declared, urging Ciara to go with her.

"Ah!... Your... house?... err..."

Ciara was about to refuse again, but then the old lady looked at her with large, pitiful eyes.

"Mmm... It's just across the road, dear... You wouldn't refuse this old lady's gratitude now will you?", she asked with a pout.

There was something about the sparkle in the old lady's eyes that one could just not refuse.


"Mmm... alright ma'am.", Ciara caved.

"Oh! Wonderful! You won't regret keeping this old gal company.", the old lady celebrated.

"Ah... Alright." Ciara smiled nervously.

"Please let me help you across the express.", she added. Ciara wasn't taking any chances with this old woman's safety.

Both ladies crossed the busy express, this time on a red light, hand-in-hand and on the cross-walk.

As they walked, Ciara wondered, 'How on earth did I get roped into snacking at a complete stranger's house?'






******** BEHIND THE SCENES ********

Director: Aaand Cut! That was great! Take 5 everyone.

Old lady: (Crack!) Ow! My back!

Ciara: Are you ok ma'am (rushes to help)

Old lady: I think my back is stuck... Ow!

Ciara: Omg! Please someone call the emergency medics! What kind of script lets people dive on old ladies?! Who is responsible for this nonsense?

Surrealish: (in the background) Hehehe...

Director: Well, we weren't going to use an actual old lady for the scene. That's my mom. She insisted on taking the part. I couldn't do anything about it.

Old woman: (Cracks her bones back into place) Don't worry, I'm fine! Bring the next scene on!!! (with stars in her eyes)

Ciara: (facepalm)

Director: That's enough! Go home, mom!

Old lady: Never! I was acting long before you were born young man! This is where I belong!

Director: Security please help my mom out...

Security: Please ma'am, come with us. You need to rest...

Old lady: (dangerously waving walking stick in the air) Come at me! I'll show you who's boss!!!

(Slams walking stick on their heads)

Bang! Bang! You boys have no respect! Bang! Bang!

Security: Director please take control of your mom...

Why did you bring her on set?

(Commotion on set...)





- Tutoring The King of Entertainment (romance, comedy, drama, CEO, showbiz)

- Thirsty Royals: NEW (romance, comedy, drama, action, villain, R18)


