
Ciara's jaw dropped to the floor!

She stared agape, stunned at the spectacular sight.

'G-g- Grande Avenue?! This old lady's house is a freaking mansion on Grande Avenue?!!... The richest, most exclusive residential area in C Country!? No way!'

Her mind was blowing up.



Ciara couldn't believe her eyes.

'Nah... Grandma must have got her address wrong because there's just no way...', she thought.

"...Uhhh grandma are you sure your house is on this estate?!! We could get arrested just standing here and looking at it!", Ciara was obviously freaking out.

"Hahaha!... Who told you that? No one's gonna arrest you, child. Haha! Come now.", grandma chuckled as she pulled Ciara towards the giant gates.

Ciara was still trembling from shock.

'Dxxn! I have to get this old lady out of here before she causes a scene! This is not a place to hang around, let alone mess around!', she thought, panicking as she looked around the heavily guarded area.

Just when she was about to whisk the old lady away from the area, a man in a black suit hurried towards them, calling out with a sense of urgency.

"My Lady! Omg!!! Thank goodness! We've been looking all over for you! Why would you go out all on your own again? Everyone is so worried...", he said, breathing heavily.

"Oh! Joseph! It's wonderful to see you too. Haha... Calm down. You young ones are always fussing over nothing. I just took a short walk, no need to panic."

The Chief of Security bowed low in greeting before continuing his hurried speech.

"Aye, grandma... Welcome home. I'm so relieved. Please let me drive you in. Your grandson is home. He's been waiting for you." Joe said with his palm on his chest. He looked like he was actually about to cry tears of joy and relief.

"Fine. I'll come with you. This is my new friend, Ciara. She's gentle as a dove.", grandma introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Miss.", the security chief greeted frozen Ciara with a curt bow.

"Mm... hi...", Ciara replied absentmindedly. She stood there, still staring into glorious space, motionless and rooted to the spot. Her jaw dropped further down.

"Er... give her a minute...", grandma said with a cheerful smile.




A few minutes later...


Ciara and Lady Cecilia were seated at grandma's favourite spot at the pavilion by the stream, eating the fresh hot buns she had bought.

The scenery was refreshing.

The atmosphere, calm and relieving.

The relaxing sound of fresh spring water trickling in the background.

The rich gardens displayed the most beautiful flowers in full bloom.

The waddling ducklings too were a pleasant embellishment to the dazzling stream.

A perfect setting for noon tea.


Before the ladies, an elaborate display of snacks and sweets had been expertly arranged by the sharply dressed butlers and maids who waited on them.

Ciara took in the serene environs and took the time to relieve her stress.

'Ahh... So this is the pleasure of crazy riches... I certainly do not mind... haaa... This place is so nice, it could turn you British! haha!', her shameless mind joked. Too bad no one heard that.

"Thank you so much for this treat, grandma. Your house is beautiful.", Ciara complimented.

Grandma sipped her tea.

"It's my grandson's. And yeah, it's beautiful, but it can get boring when you're alone. At least I have my ducks and dogs to keep me company. Ah! Here comes Fluff now.", the old lady replied.

The happy dog named Fluff excitedly approached her owner with a litter of cubs trailing not too far behind. Fluff was a pretty and petite pure white dog of the Volpino Italiano breed. She jumped excitedly, showering grandma with all the love and affection her tiny body could muster. Her tinnier pups struggled to keep up with their excited mother, some tumbling over each other in their effort.

Ciara watched the warm scene with pleasure.

"Aww...haha... How sweet!!", she commented gleefully.

"Right? Haha... They're only weeks old, yet they believe they can do anything their mother can... haha...", grandma chuckled again.

Ciara replied with a brilliant giggle.

One of the tiny pups noticed Ciara's giggle. It went up to her and nibbled her shoelaces to get her attention.

Warmth immediately spread through Ciara's heart.

"Oh hi there...", she said, picking up the enthusiastic puppy with a pretty smile. It was so small, cute and white with large blue eyes that just melted one's heart.

"Oh my! how cute you are!", she exclaimed after one look at its large blue eyes.

The puppy replied with a cute bark and rolled around in her hands to express its delight.

"Ah! That one likes you. You can keep him. Take it as a token of my appreciation.", grandma generously offered.

Ciara gasped with pleasant surprise. But alas, she was too well brought up to accept gifts from strangers.

"I- I couldn't possibly... You've already welcomed me into your lovely home and treated me to tea. I can't-", she tried to refuse again, but the old lady cut her off midspeech.

"It is rude to refuse a gift from the elderly; let alone one old and wise as me.", she urged with a smile.

"Alright, I guess I could take it.", Ciara finally accepted the cute puppy. Grandma was hard to refuse.

"Good. I haven't named them yet. You name him and take good care of him...", said grandma.

"Thank you so much...", Ciara's eyes sparkled with love and delight.


As she watched the puppy play with her fingers, Ciara heard the voices of two men in the background drawing closer to the pavilion.

Her sharp ears could faintly make out the last bits of their conversation.

"...Yes, sir. Your stylist. She called to quit this morning, saying she's fallen in love with you.", said the first voice.

"Again? Huff... Hire a new stylist. A more skilled one. This time I want a guy who is straight...", ordered the second voice.

"Of course sir.", replied the first.


Ciara thought the second voice seemed oddly familiar.

'That voice... That sounds just like Reo... I can't be hearing this right, can I?... Ha! Reo. That's ridiculous! Isn't it?...', she asked herself, naturally turning around to verify.

Lo! and Behold! Ciara's curious amber gaze fell upon Reo!

Yes, Reo! Her celebrity crush!!!

Reo! The absolute, undeniable love of her life!!

Reo, the idol of her dreams!!!

Reo, the entire reason for her ridiculous love letter and the main cause of her currently crashing life! That Reo!

He was headed straight towards the pavilion!!!

Straight towards her!!!

Ciara's heart skipped a beat the moment she spotted the unreal sight of her celebrity crush.

Her eyes widened larger than life itself. Their fiery sparkle intensified.

She watched him walk. The perfect model he was!

Her brain slowed down the scene, capturing his perfect frame and playing out every detail of his mind-blowing existence at the moment in slow motion.

"Reo!...", her heart whispered.





****** CID Q&A ******


Surrealish: Welcome back to CID Q&A!!!

Ohohoho! Things are already getting interesting!

Crowd: Woooooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: Haha! Let's talk to our FL for a brief moment. Ciara, can you please tell us how you feel right now?

Ciara: Reo... Reo... Reo...

Lana: Uhh... I think she's broken. All she can say is Reo. Hahaha!!

Crowd: (Roaring Laughter) Woooo!!! (Applause!!!)

Surrealish: Haha!

Let's get the answer to our last question. Ciara's reaction to grandma's riches was option (b)! Disbelieve grandma and try to whisk her away from the premises before they get arrested for loitering! Hahaha!

Crowd: Hahaha!

Hilarious Fl!

We love you, Ciara!!!

Ciara: Reo... Reo... Reo...

Sonia: Still broken haha!! (facepalm)

Crowd: (Laughter) (Thunderous Applause)

Surrealish: Today's question is for our characters as well as our viewers:


Reo: Hmm... What would you do, Surrealish?

Surrealish: Well that's easy. Hug and kiss his gloriously wet body and then spend the night in jail haha!

Crowd: (Roaring laughter) Woooo!!! Yeahhhh!!! (Applause)

Grandma: That's my girl (wink)

Surrealish: I love you, grandma. (blows kiss)

Crowd: (Cheering) We love you grandma!!! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma!! Woooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: Aww... sweet. Alright. That's it for today. See you next time on?

Crowd: C! I! D! Q&A!!!

Surrealish: Yeah! (wink) Don't go away
