Class Drama 2

The next class was History, and to Ciara it was history...

Again her distracted eyes found the trees outside a more interesting picture to space out on as she thought about last night with Reo.

In the background, another pair of beautiful grey eyes stared at glowing Ciara...

'Was she always this beautiful?', Luke asked himself.




"Earth to Ciara!... Haha... Honestly, girl, I know your head's on the moon right now, but you better wake up now. You're spacing out more than usual. Miss Jasmine has looked your way 3 times in the last second...", Lana broke Ciara's concentration on Reo's sinking neckline with a whisper. She looked amused.

"Am I?", Ciara asked her best friend with a quiet giggle.

"Yes. And I think I sense concern in her glances. She probably saw the school's website too haha! She must be wondering why you're not bothered even in the slightest about the love letter. Everyone probably is... If only they knew... haha! You look so happy and pretty. You're basically glowing. I love it! Haha!", she said, poking Ciara and giggling in hushed excitement. Her long, black ponytails wiggled about her cute frame.

Ciara muffled her giggle.

"They can think whatever. I don't care. I love Reo. They can declare it to the ends of the earth. I'll help them... He's perfect.", Ciara said with dreamy eyes. Her head was obviously still in the clouds.

Lana did not expect that answer.

"Omg! Full Acceptance! My girl has finally gone gaga! Haha!", she snickered so hard, a tear of joy slipped out through the corner of her eye.

"What are you laughing about? You're crazy in love with Neo, rapper of Steam.", Ciara teased Lana with a mischievous smirk.

"Shhhhh!!! Don't expose me!!" Lana shushed Ciara. She pulled at her double ponytails and used them to hide her blushing face.

Ciara giggled into a facepalm.

"Well, now you can see him too!! Aaah!!" she added, mouthing her scream of excitement instead of voicing it out. She would rather not attract attention this time.

"Aaaahh!!", Lana mouthed an air scream back.

Both girls burst into quiet giggles again.


"Omg, this whole story sounds so unreal. I just have to see that ticket to believe it.", whispered Lana.

"Well, I've got it right here... Don't believe me? Then check this out!", Ciara replied with a sassy flip of her hair. Then she pulled the VIP Ticket to Steam's Concert from the side pocket of her backpack and flashed Lana with a proud smirk. Her eyebrows raised twice in a smug look.

Lana gasped! She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Omg! It's real!!... I could barely sleep thinking about it last night haha! At some point, I wondered if you were playing a cruel prank on me! Haha! Let me see...", Lana wanted a closer look.

Ciara passed the golden VIP Backstage Pass ticket in her hand to Lana for her viewing pleasure.

"Oh! Look at that blinding shine!" Lana gasped. She looked closely at the precious ticket in her hands, instinctively sweeping a finger through her scanty fringe to get it out of the way.

"...It's also the kind reserved for friends and family of members of Steam!... And gasp!... Is that Reo's autograph?!! Omg!! Ara!!... You've got the luck of a leprechaun!!..."

Ciara giggled some more as she watched her friend fuss in silence.

"Woah!!... Thanks for bringing me along Ara!!", Lana celebrated as quietly as she could.

However, someone noticed the ruckus.

A very pisxed someone. She wasn't taking Luke's frequent stares in Ciara's direction very well.

Sonia raised her pen in the air to get the teacher's attention. "Miss Jasmine, Ciara and Lana are passing notes in class!", she got off her seat to report.

The attention of the entire class turned to Ciara and Lana.

Lana froze to a popsicle.

Ciara facepalmed.

"Ah... Here we go again."




Meanwhile, In a Dance Practice Room at Epic Entertainment Co.


Reo walked into rehearsals literally glowing. His shine illuminated the entire room.

"Wow! You're glowing, Reo.", Bono, the youngest member of Steam noticed.

"Really? Am I?", Reo slowly ran his fingers through his black hair with a smug look. His handsomeness seemed to triple.

Bono chuckled.

"Yeah. You look so handsome. Too handsome... So much better than the last few days... Anything special happen?", he asked, tilting his head as he admired Reo. His long, straightened hair bore a shiny, deep-blue shade.

"I finally got some good sleep.", Reo answered with a charming smile.

"Wow, that's great news. I can see you're in high spirits.", Neo, cool rapper of the band complimented. He himself looked hot in biker leather and red hair.

"Ah! You look so good, Reo. You spent the night with a pretty lady didn't you? I told you that was the cure." Zero, blonde rapper and renowned international playboy of the band cut in with a mischievous smirk.

"Pffftt... hahaha!", Bono burst out laughing.

Domino, leader of the band facepalmed.

Reo chuckled lightly.

"Anyway, glad to see you refreshed, Reo. Did you change treatment?", Domino asked, focusing on a more important point. His slightly darker skin tone, silver hair and flaming muscular body made him stand out amongst the boys, but he was actually the shyest one of them.

"No. Actually, Zero's not too far. I saw a pretty sight yesterday that I can't seem to forget...", Reo replied with a light blush.

That took everyone by surprise. Reo's blush shot cupid's arrows around the room! Everyone stared at his incredible handsomeness a quiet second longer before bursting into torrents of laughter.

"Woah... He's blushing! No way! Haha!", Neo laughed.

"Haha! I knew it was a girl! Haha!" Zero followed.

"Haha! Must be love at first sight!", Domino teased.

"Haha... That doesn't exist. Reo's too practical to believe in that, Domino.", replied Neo.

"Woah! So you're not gay, Reo?", came Bono's innocent reaction. His eyes were the size of two massive saucepans!

Everyone rolled into another wave of hysterical laughter.

Reo facepalmed.

"Of course not. If he was, none of us would be safe... And Neo, why do you always have to be such a cold robot? Love at first sight totally exists. It's the perfect pickup line. Works every time." Zero educated with a wink.

Domino facepalmed. "I just can't with this crew! Haha!...", he chuckled heartily.

"...Well, I believe in love at first sight. It's sweet and beautiful and rare, and we should be practising for the concert.", the cool silver-haired leader responsibly reminded.

But no one was listening.

"Hmm... someone finally attracted Reo, huh... Good for you, Reo haha. I'd like to know what she's like.", said the sweet Bono with sparkling eyes.

"What I'd like to know is how the night went...", said flirtatious Zero, throwing an arm around Reo."...Tell me every detail." he flashed a super charming smile.

"Pretty good. I had no nightmares.", Reo told the story in six words.

"That's it?", Zero was underwhelmed. "Wait... Didn't you spend the night together?", he sounded devastated.

"No.", Reo answered plainly.

Zero facepalmed.

"Why?!! You finally found someone you like!...", he exclaimed. "...How far exactly have you gone with this girl?", he needed to know.

"Not far because we've only met once, you shameless perv.", Reo slammed Zero.

Neo snickered quietly in the corner, entertained by the scene.

"No, no, no! We just can't let this be! Knowing you, you'll lose her out of stupidity! Do you even have her phone number? I bet you don't.", Zero teased.

"No. She has mine. Or I hope she does..."

"What do you mean by that?" Zero and the other bandmates were curious now.

"I invited her to our concert and autographed the ticket. I added my number in tiny print on the back of the ticket... but she hasn't called me yet.", Reo explained.

Chorus laughter erupted.

"Haha! Only you would do that, Reo! Hilarious!" Zero collapsed to the ground with laughter.

"You know, you could have just asked for her number like a normal person. No one would refuse you! Haha!", Domino laughed, leaning on a dying Neo for support.

"Haha! Dude! What if she doesn't see it?", Neo asked.

"Then she'll see me at the concert tomorrow.", Reo smiled confidently.

More laughter erupted.

"And what if she doesn't come, prince charming?", Neo teased Reo.

"Don't scare him like that, Neo! She'll definitely come! No one would refuse Reo. I mean look at him!", Bono defended.

Reo's glow seemed to intensify. He didn't seem bothered in the slightest. Rather he seemed to be getting more handsome every second.

"Aish so bright!... We might need sunglasses if he gets any more sleep... haha!", Zero joked.

"He honestly doesn't look real. What jade skin! Haha!", Neo chuckled as he poked Reo.

"These are the so-called coolest guys in the world. Haha... C'mon guys, let's start...", Domino hid his embarrassed smile.

'Well I hope she does make it...', Reo absentminded thought to himself.





****** BEHIND THE SCENES ******


Director: Aaand Cut! Great take! Take 5 everyone.

Uncontrollable crowd of fans: Aaaaahhh!!! It's Steam!

Omg!!! So hot!!!

We love you!!! Aaaahhh!!!

Production Staff: Uhh, Director sir, did we have to use members of an actual boyband for this? Steam fans are about to break into the set!! We can't control them!!!

And how do we turn off Reo's shine?! He's getting brighter every second!!!

Director: Calm down. This is also a promotional stunt. Surrealish says we need their popularity.

Surrealish: (Selling CID merchandise)

Idol Pictures are sold out now, but there's more!!!

We've got towels, everyone!!!

Yes! Yes! Each one of these towels touched the wet abs of a Steam member!!! All for half-price now!!! Get 1 for 200 dollars!!!

Screaming girls: Omg! I'll take 10 of Bono's !!!

Aaaahh!!! Give me 20 of Neo's!!!

Aaah!! I want 30 of Zero's!!!

I'll take 50! 10 of each!!

Grey (Reo's assistant): Huff... poor girls (facepalm)

Ciara: ...Uhh Surrealish, please reserve some of Reo's for me. Hehe... (whispering) 200 please... hehe (shy smile)

Director: (facepalm)









- Tutoring The King of Entertainment (romance, comedy, drama, CEO, showbiz)

- Thirsty Royals: NEW (romance, comedy, drama, action, villain, R18)