Sonia's Move

Previously, At Prestige High's Cafeteria...


Ciara found Reo's phone number underneath the barcode!

"A... number... A phone number?... In Reo's writing... Wait... Could this be... Reo's... Reo's number?!! That can't be, right?...", she mumbled inaudibly as she inspected the scribble.

Then her eyes popped wide open with sudden realisation.

'Wait... Reo's phone number?!!! He gave me his phone number?!! No way!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!', her thoughts screamed.

Wide-eyed Ciara clapped her palm over her mouth to prevent a crazy scream from escaping in the crowded cafeteria.

She suddenly shot up from her seat.

"Hold up guys, just give me a minute!", she excused herself to her confused friends and sped to the girls' bathroom to scream freely.


In the background, Sonia and her clique who had been watching their prey like a pack of hungry wolves followed her out of the cafeteria.




Ciara rushed into the girls' bathroom with the golden VIP ticket in her hand.

She entered one of the toilet cubicles, shut the door and sat on the closed toilet seat to inspect the scribbled tiny print on the ticket in her hands once more.

She read the number again with wide eyes.

'It's an actual existing phone number belonging to Reo... Reo!... The unreachable, dazzling, celebrity prince of my dreams! The eternal love of my life!!'

She gasped.

'Omg! It's really Reo's phone number!! Aaahh!!', her mind screamed, but her mouth remained mute, too overwhelmed to scream out loud like she thought she would.

"I can't believe it!! This is really happening!!! I have Reo's number!!! He gave me his number! Omg! Omg! Omg!!!", she whispered into her palm.

Tears of joy filled her eyes.

She clutched her rapidly beating heart with a happy smile, unable to scream, completely overwhelmed by feelings of love and adoration for Reo.

Warm images of her meeting with him filled her head again.

Warmer clips of his sweet smile, and his deep voice, and his gentle kiss replayed in slow motion from her hard drive.


She melted with a gasp from her very soul.

"Oh, God! This guy will kill me with sweetness!...", she whispered with a completely flushed face.

Sweet warmth suddenly claimed her, spreading through her deepest parts.

Her teeth lightly bit the fingernail of her right thumb as she thought of him.

Her eyelids closed dreamily leaving just a tiny bit open for her longing eyelashes to flutter with desire.

Her cloudy mind danced with his unforgettable scent.

Her plum lips parted, releasing cloudy gasps of hot air.

The thumb she was biting slowly slid down from her lower lip...

She bit the lip...

"Oh I'm a complete mess now... heh...", she whispered with a shy smile and then hid her face in her palm, embarrassed with herself.

"...All because of you, Reo...", her heart whispered inaudibly, her lips only mouthing words.




Meanwhile, Sonia and her clique consisting of Susan and Priscilla sneakily entered the bathroom with kitten steps while Ciara was celebrating and eventually melting. Unfortunately, she was too distracted to notice the predators.

They quickly soundproofed the bathroom door, stuffing towels at the edges to prevent screams from escaping into the hallway. Sonia would ensure no one saves Ciara from the planned attack.

'Where's that wretched street rat?', Sonia asked herself as she scanned the bathroom.

She got down in the position for push-ups, laying suspended just an inch above the ground with her palms propping her up. Her sharp eyes swiftly scanned underneath the doors of the toilet cubicles to pinpoint Ciara's exact location.

Susan who had joined her to inspect the other cubicles finally spotted Ciara's feet from the tiny space underneath the toilet door.

Satisfied, Sonia and her henchmen stealthily circled the chosen cubicle, waiting for the right moment to pounce.


Behind the toilet door, Ciara took a deep breath to calm her racing heart and let it out slowly. With that simple act, she composed herself.

"Ok... Ok... I've got to go back and save...", she started to instruct herself, but then she was rudely interrupted.

Suddenly, Sonia and her clique kicked the toilet cubicle door open, broke in and ambushed Ciara, grabbing her from the toilet seat in a surprise attack!

Before Ciara knew what was going on, she was flat on the ground and in a vicious struggle with 2 girls on her; Sonia above her head pinning her arms down and Susan pinning her feet down to the cold floors.

"Get the ticket Priscilla!", Sonia ordered.

"What? No!" Ciara gasped as Priscilla quickly grabbed the fallen concert ticket from the floor.

She tucked it into her bra!

Immediately, Ciara went wild in her fight to get her limbs free.

Sonia quickly counteracted her attempt to break free, adding her right knee to pin down and securely fasten Ciara's right arm to the ground.

"Ahh!" Ciara screamed from the sharp pain in her twisted right arm.

Sonia's knee pressed harder. Her left arm still held Ciara's left arm in place, twisting it as hard as she could.

"Bring the vomit! Quick!!", she yelled at Priscilla who was already rushing up to the struggling girls with the dirty bucket of smelly, slimy, squishy and disgusting liquid she picked up by the bathroom door. Its repulsive stench rose arrogantly, filling the air.

Priscilla the bucket holder gagged.

"Help me, Priscilla! She's slipping! Hold her down!", Sonia commanded, slowly losing her grip on Ciara's fighting arms.

Priscilla swooped down to help, swiftly sitting on Ciara's chest with her knees apart and holding down her almost free arms.

With Priscilla's help, Sonia could now use her hands. With them, she strangled Ciara, forcing her mouth open as wide as possible.

"I won't let you escape, bixch!!", she squealed through her teeth at Ciara's face from an upside-down view. Her knee still painfully pinning Ciara's right arm to the ground.

With her left hand, Sonia attempted to grab the bucket of shxt to empty its contents on Ciara's face!

Ciara's eyes darkened.

Intense anger welled up deep inside her.

She wriggled with all her might, throwing Priscilla off her chest and stunning Susan!

Bam! She broke her legs free with a powerful kick, throwing Susan off against the row of bathroom sinks!

"Ahh!" Susan cried out as her right side made impact with the marble sinks.

With her legs now free, Ciara sprung her lower body upwards, using her feet to clutch Sonia's head right above her before Sonia could grab the bucket!

She picked Sonia up with her feet and brought her legs down, slamming her hard against the cold floor!

"Aaah!! Aahh!!", came Sonia's painful screams.

Stunned, Priscilla panicked and let go! She quickly got off Ciara and backed away into the open toilet cubicle, trembling with shock. She never expected Ciara to win this fight. It was 3 on 1 for fxck's sake!

To her ultimate horror, Ciara sprung upon her feet like an experienced martial artist long before any of the two other girls could even think of getting back on their feet.

She pointed a death stare at Priscilla who was anxiously gripping her chest and the ticket in her bra protectively with shaky hands.

Priscilla collapsed to her knees, shaking with fright at Ciara's fury.

Sonia, seeing that there was no way Priscilla alone could win against Ciara's surprising agility, strength and speed instantly issued a smart order.

"Chew it up! Quick!", she screamed at Priscilla with the ticket.

"No!", Ciara screamed, rushing towards Priscilla a couple feet away.

Priscilla instantly threw the ticket in her mouth before Ciara could reach her!

She chewed and then spat it up into the toilet bowl!

Then she flushed!



Ciara stood there, motionless with her arm stretched out towards the toilet bowl.

The priceless VIP ticket to Reo's concert...

Reo's phone number...

Her access to the love of her life...

All gone forever!


Ciara stared at the empty toilet bowl...




She cracked!





******* CID Q&A ******


Surrealish: Hello and Welcome back to?

Crowd: C! I! D! Q&A!!! Woooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: That's right! (wink!)

In our story, we find that Sonia has dared to do the unthinkable! That brings us to today's big question:


a) Beat the girls up!

b) Tie up their ponytails

c) Slap Sonia!

d) Make someone eat a bucket of shxt!

Hmm... Some interesting options there, haha...

Lana? What do you think?

Lana: I like the last option. I think we NEED the last option.

Crowd: Hahaha! Yeah!!! Wooo! (Applause!!!)

Surrealish: Hahaha! I totally agree!

Reo? I see some dark clouds dangerously looming over your head. What's on your mind?

Reo: These options are all too merciful. These people deserve death (eyes darken) (makes a fist)

Crowd: Oooooooo...

Surrealish: Oh wow! Hehe... Now that's a tad bit intense, don't you think, Reo?

Reo: Grey, give me the exact location of that school! I think I need to pay them a visit.

Surrealish: Ah! (sweatdrop)

Grey: (sweatdrop) Sir, I- I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to have that information yet. It'll ruin the story... S-sir...

(Reo's gaze further darkens)

Surrealish: (Breaks out in cold sweat) Uhh... Reo, err... Let's not change the storyline now ok? Haha...

Calm down...

Think happy thoughts... hehe...

Reo: Grey? (Lightening strikes!)

Surrealish: Ah! (eyes pop)

Grey: (trembling and crying) Yes, sir. I've hacked into the CID database. I- It's on 7th Street, High School Lane, sir.

Reo: Good. Let's go!

Crowd: Oooooo!! (sweatdrop)

Surrealish: Ah! Someone, please restrain Reo! Quick!

Security and CID Staff: Restrain him?!!

That's impossible!

We can't hold him!

Are you even looking at him?!!

Look at that monstrous aura!!

I-is that a dragon?!!! Ahh!!

Aaah!! Too scary!

He's gonna kill us!!

(Commotion in the studio!)

Surrealish: Ah! Err... Hehe... Sorry, folks but due to unforeseen circumstances, we might have to quickly end this show...

(Ciara walks in with cupcakes)

Ciara: Hi! I got cupcakes!

(Notices panic in everyone's face.) Err... What did I miss?

Reo: (Perfectly calm all of a sudden. Walks up to Ciara with hands in pockets, a charming smile and a halo on his head like nothing happened)

You missed nothing (he whispers by her ear, then gently picks up her hand and takes a bite from her cupcake) (satisfied smile)

Ciara: (turns red) ... (hot steam rises from her head)

Surrealish: Wow... Well, I guess all we needed was for our FL to show up safe and sound haha!

Crowd: Hahaha! Woooo! (Applause!!)

Surrealish: Well folks, that's it for our show tonight! Find Ciara's reaction in the next chapter!

See you next time on...?

Crowd: C! I! D! Q&A!!! Wooo!!! (Applause!)









- Tutoring The King of Entertainment (romance, comedy, drama, CEO, showbiz)

- Thirsty Royals: NEW (romance, comedy, drama, action, villain, R18)