Crazy Determination

Reo looked through Ciara's information on Grey's tablet. His heart pronounced her full name with affection.

'Ciara Bold… I've found you.', it whispered.

Meanwhile, On The Speeding Train…

"Reo! No! No! No! Take me back! He was just right there! Take me back, please! Get me out of here!", Ciara cried dramatically, along with a few unhappy fans, but none could be unhappier than her at the moment.

Snow watched her from his carrier with a sassy expression on his pompous little face that seemed to be saying, 'I tried to alert you, little human, but you just wouldn't listen. Now that's what happens when you don't listen to me! Hmph!', he clicked his tongue.

Ciara was, however, too sad to pay him any attention.

She collapsed into her seat with a frustrated sulk. Her arms folded with annoyance. A few teardrops welled up in her eyes.