
At The Car Park, Magnificent Stadium…

"…You see, Lana, sometimes it's necessary to do a little bad for the greater good. Hehe…", Ciara said, rubbing her palms together with a naughty look on her face.

Lana pinched the stressed bridge of her nose. Her eyes shut with silent dread at Ciara's craziness.

'Gosh! Ciara!... Why does she suddenly sound like a killer from a thriller?!!', she asked herself.


A Few Minutes Later…

Lana stood before Charlie the stylist and his blue Porsche at Magnificent Stadium's parking lot, flashing the sweetest, most innocent smile in the world.

"Hi.", she greeted politely.

Charlie couldn't resist smiling back at the adorable angel before him.

"Hi.", he greeted back with a fascinated smile.

Lana initiated a chat to distract Charlie from Ciara who was sneakily creeping up behind him.

"You must be Charlie, the new stylist… right?", she asked.