Breaking Curfew

Ciara arrived home, still in cute bunny pyjamas.

"Haa… I'm home safely…", she smiled with pleasant relief.

She looked at the familiar building that had been her home for the past year and couldn't help thinking how much of a far cry from Grande Avenue it was… 

"Huff… This place is such a far cry from Grande Avenue…

…A far cry as weepingly far as the heavens are above the earth…", she murmured as she looked at her home.

She had sometimes wished for better. Afterall, she had once had better, but she had come to love this little place as well. The time spent together in the tiny rooms here had bonded her family more deeply. Furthermore, it had taught her humility and contentment; two extremely valuable lessons many ignorantly neglect.

She smiled at the quaint penthoused bungalow before her.

"...Yeah, a far cry from Grande Avenue, but this little place is still special to me. I've learnt so much here…