Purple Souvenir & Happy Thief

Evening, At Grande Avenue…

Reo was busy at work in his study.

His phone rang.

He picked it up.

"Grey?...", Reo answered.

"Mission completed sir. News of the takedown is being reported on tv now.", Grey's voice sounded through the phone.

Reo smirked with satisfaction.

"Good job, Grey. You deserve a bonus.", he commended his diligent assistant before ending the call.

Reo resumed his work, twirling Mystery's plain purple hair ribbon round the tip of his pointer (finger). Yes, the very purple hair accessory Ciara was looking for at home.

She had lost it with Reo.

He stared at the pretty, expandable hair accessory in his fingers… It felt soft to the touch…

Soft as her hair last night…

Soft as the sweet emotions growing deep inside of him…

Soft as her reckless moan from his burning taste of her…

Reo's cheeks turned pink at his recollection of last night.