Party of the Century


Ah… Winning…

Do you know how it feels to win?

Oh, it's fantastic!...

It's splendid, dear!...

It's a magical feeling that bubbles up from the very bottom of your guts and explodes into a magnificent fountain of happiness and bliss… 

Mm yes, just like this gorgeous chocolate fountain over here…

Mmhmm… Yeah…

Just like this chocolate fountain, its delicious taste should be shamelessly enjoyed to the fullest… 

To the Max!...

Yes, one must shamelessly relish this glorious victory without a single sense of guilt…

Oh yes, darling… Without guilt…

Relish it. Enjoy it. Appreciate it. Celebrate it…


There is nothing sweeter than face-slapping an idiot and then watching them burn and grind their teeth away in the misery and anguish of a catastrophic failure. Hohoho!!...",