Just Friends

At Prestige High School…

"Uhh… Th- Thank you… for saving me.", Ciara muttered.

Her eyes dropped with embarrassment.

Luke watched her coy expression.

'She's so beautiful…', he thought with a smile.

"Sure.", he replied.

He lowered his head till it was at Ciara's face level, still looking at her with his dangerous eyes.

"I'm always here for you.", he added in a whisper.

His gentle fingers smoothly flipped a stray lock of orange hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear as he spoke.

Ciara melted inside.

'I'm always here for you…'

'I'm always here for you…'

'I'm always here for you…'

The words resounded in her head over and over again, and each time, mercilessly tugged on her heart strings.

Deep down, they felt like they had a much heavier meaning than just on the surface.