Bold Pranks

A Few Hours Later…

At Bold Pictures Film Production and Distribution Company…

Mr Bold's super important meeting was about to begin. 

Mr Bold received his biggest partner, Mr Cory Phillips like a VIP, with bright smiles and friendly businessman handshakes, and then ushered his precious investor into the most sophisticated conference room at Bold Pictures.

Everything and everyone looked well organised. All had been properly put in place to please Mr Cory-Money-Phillips today. It was essential to have him invest in the 'Severed Hearts 2' project.

"Ah… Welcome, Mr Phillips. It's a real pleasure to have you here again. You look extremely handsome today! Wow! So sharp!... You honestly look younger every day, sir! Heh… It's like you found the fountain of youth! Haha…", Mr Bold showered exaggerated praises on his biggest investor. Next, he turned to Mr Phillips' brand new trophy wife, Clara to do the same.