
At The VIP Conference Room, Bold Pictures Film Production and Distribution Company…

Mr Cory Phillips was drenched in dairy and annoyed beyond his wit, and the previously elegant nose-up-in-the-air Mrs Phillips had dropped all form of high society civility and now had her pretty head in a huge jar of milk, drinking straight from the jar to soothe her burning tongue.

Mr Bold broke a cold sweat.

"Ah… Mr Phillips… I- I am deeply sorry this is all happening… I assure you, sir, none of this was intended or planned… I- I don't know how this is all h- happening…

Hah… It's all just a sad coincidence…", he apologised to the milk bathed Mr Phillips.

He pulled out his own handkerchief and started dabbing Mr Phillips' milky shoulders.

"…I- I promise, I will investigate this matter properly and severely punish the perpetrators!...