Episode 15: All In!

"Blade of The Sparrow!"

Mai's eyes and sword are engulfed in pink energy. Her demeanor changed as she looked around, as if she was assessing the situation. Lisa took this opportunity to reach for her back pocket as she thought. 'She's distracted. I'll use the stack of cash I have and boost my skill to a level I can deal with her.'

Before Lisa's hand could reach its destination, Mai was already face to face with Lisa instantly. Lisa barely raised her rifle to eye level before Mai's slash could reach her. Mai cut Lisa's weapon in half and used the momentum of her attack to spin and kick Lisa in the stomach, sending her flying. "Impressive girl, there are few who could survive the initial encounter with me."

Lisa coughs up blood as she thinks. 'Yep, I was scared this would happen. Her miracle Blade of The Sparrow allows her to call upon her ancestor to take control of her body. I'm now fighting a knight level miracle user, the greatest warrior in history, Miyamoto Musashi!'

Miyamoto slides his arm out of Mai's kimono, revealing her sports bra. He then rests his right arm on the now hanging kimono. Miyamoto flips Mai's hair over his shoulder as he speaks in a cold, dignified voice. "I see we are at the inquisitor exam my granddaughter spoke of. She would never switch out with me unless she absolutely needed to. You must be quite the warrior girl."

Lisa wipes the blood from her cheek. She spoke in a voice that was close to a wheeze. "Thank you. Your praise means a lot to me."

Miyamoto's eyes burn pink as the calm, dignified expression on his face fell to anger. "Praise? You are gravely mistaken, girl. I am simply stating a fact that you are too much of a warrior for my granddaughter to handle right now, and it was impressive that you survived my strike. However, you will accomplish no fame from our duel, instead you will miserably die by my blade."

Lisa flinches at how much blood lust that was pouring out of Mai. She quickly grabs the stack of cash from her back pocket. Before she could pull it out, though, Don kicked her in the side of her face. Lisa could barely react before several spikes smack into her back. Don landed from his kick and again took off toward Lisa as he thought. 'Thank you for the pointer on my power. I don't run at super speed, it's more like a fast jump. So, I'm more like a bullet ricocheting.'

Lisa recovered before putting her arm out toward Don. "This again? You young guys never learn."

Don stopped before reaching Lisa and give's her a proud smile. Lisa was so stunned by the development that she didn't see Nina right next to her. Lisa turned to see Nina's arm cocked back. This was a feeling Lisa had many times before. If this attack hit her, she would surely die. Lisa dodged Nina's attack by the skin of her teeth. Two gun-shots smack Lisa in the face before she could retaliate at Nina. Blood drips from Lisa's forehead as she thinks. 'What the hell? Are these green newbies who are mostly composed of teenagers actually this good?'

Two hours earlier in Sable's office.

"Bishop, how you doing, buddy?"

Sable winces at Lisa as she slams through his office door. "Lisa, I am not your buddy. I am your worst nightmare!"

Sable, with an evil expression, jumped over his desk and uppercut Lisa bouncing her right off the ceiling. Lisa picks herself back up with a smile on her face. "Ready to see me whop the asses of your promising applicants?"

Sable leans back on his desk with a mischievous smile. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. In the future, those applicants will be our trump card."

Back in present day.

Lisa pulls out her stack of cash as she thinks. 'I have 2 minutes left. I didn't want to put these kids in a position where it's impossible to pass. However, given the situation, I don't think I have a choice!'

Duke turns toward Don and yells. "Don, she's trying to use her miracle!"

Don takes off toward Lisa, only to hear her whisper one simple word. "Pinnacle."

A bright, swirling beam of violet light explodes from Lisa. Miyamoto whistles at the development. "I may have to reassess your strength, girl."

Ryan falls to his knees as pain shoots through his right arm. "Damn, what the hell is this? Why is the arm of creation reacting so violently to this?" The dagger that sat on Ryan's lower back shakes with anticipation. "You too? What did that knight do?"

Lisa walks out of the beam of light. Her silver hair was now glowing bright violet. Behind her, flouting in the air, was a giant set of numbers that read five-hundred thousand. "The third and most important skill you need to become a knight is this. The summit of what any miracle user strives for, Pinnacle."

Ryan laughs to himself as he thinks. 'Did that man also reach this level?'

Don shakes as adrenaline surges through his body. A daemon like smile smothers his face as he thinks. 'I knew it. I get to feel this way all the time as long as I become an inquisitor.'

Lisa exhales dramatically. "The name of my Pinnacle, is called All In!"

In a dark cathedral that was filled with statues of biblical figures.

Sabel walk to the middle of a dark room where stood a large stone podium.

He then looked up to see twenty large throne-like chairs and the black-robed men who sat in them. One of the black-robed men spoke in a weak yet dignified voice. "Grand inquisitor Bishop Sable, are you aware of why you have been summoned?"

Sable looked at the robed men and spoke in a clear and stern voice. "Yes, High Bishop, the recent attack on the exam and the complications of the Union."

One of the High Bishops slam his fist on his chair. "And what do you intend to do about this Grand Inquisitor!?"

Sable's expression remains the same as he speaks. "We have recently caught a cooperative prisoner who was as of now formally a member of the Union. As we speak, Knight Silva is extracting information from her." Sable slightly smirks as he thinks. 'By the way she was staring at him, I bet that's not the only thing they're doing. Silva that dog.'

Another High Bishop speaks up. "Grand Inquisitor, we can not afford another Great Miracle War. We are initiating an Inquisition Order."

Sable looks down, disgruntle as he thinks. 'So, an assassination order on whoever the leader of the Union is.' Sable looks back up with a mischievous smile. "I understand, and I have a just the candidates for the job."

In the largest chair, a man with a large grey beard speaks up. "I trust your suggestions, Sable. However, you will also consider taking prisoner Zero."

Sable flinches at the mention of that mans name. "I understand Grand Bishop." Sable walks toward the exit, clinching his fist as he thought. 'That monster? Why do they put so much faith in a heartless psychopath?'

In a prison cell in the deepest darkest depths of the Inquisitor head-quarters, a man sat covered in chains. His long blue hair that sat on his shoulders and covered his face. The man smiles. "Those old zealots are going to let me stretch my legs and kill some miracle users again. Oh, I can't wait to see you again."

"Sable, my old friend."