True Nature

Seeing Yami a look of annoyance appeared on Kabuto's face. When Kabuto found out that the lightning clones were Yami's, he was furious and wanted to hunt Yami down. He and Orochimaru had prepared such an elaborate plan to destroy the hidden leaf but Yami had killed off a 1/5th of their forces just as the invasion began. Kabuto didn't know that the deaths that occurred outside the village of the summoning shinobis were also Yami's doing or else he would have dropped the invasion plan and rushed to find Yami.

Yami jumped down and stood at some distance away from Kabuto. Kabuto laid down the one he had kidnapped. The cloth on the unconscious victim's face slid revealing her face.

Yami raised his eyebrows as he saw that and said "Are you the prince charming here to take away the Hyuga princess?" his teasing tone made Kabuto more furious than he already was. He took out a kunai from his pocket and ran toward Yami.

To Kabuto's surprise, Yami didn't move or even take out his sword to defend him. 'Something's wrong. Why is he just standing there?' Kabuto thought and stopped midway. He looked around to see if Yami had already set up a trap.

"You think by provoking me you can pull me into a trap?" Kabuto said as he tried to discover what made Yami so confident that he stood defenseless.

"So you calmed your mind to think rationally? impressive...but should've done that just a couple of seconds ago..tsk tsk" Yami's words confused Kabuto but then he heard some sounds behind him. He turned back and saw the leaf shinobis who were chasing him were now holding Hinata. Kabuto realized that in rage he had left Hinata on the ground forgetting that he was running away from someone.

Kabuto was about to threaten the leaf shinobis to stop. He could see that they were just chunins and were still kids. But instead of words blood poured out of his mouth. He touched his own mouth and felt the blood on his hands. As he was wondering how that happened, he saw the blade poking out from his chest and heard a voice from behind "Were you ignoring me?" Yami said and pulled out the sword from Kabuto's chest.

Kabuto now lay on the ground bleeding out as he looked at Yami "So this is the real you" were the last words that came out of Kabuto's mind before he died. Kabuto was someone who liked to know everything about his enemy and so he had researched extensively about everyone who would be a variable during the invasion. One of those he researched was Yami. He knew that Yami was smart, strong, and good with many kinds of jutsu but his behavior is what puzzled him the most. As far as Kabuto had collected, Yami was never traumatized by the death of his family and clan nor by the betrayal of his eldest brother.

Unlike Sasuke, Yami had never said or done anything that would indicate he wanted revenge. Even during the preliminaries, he showed so much of his power but the curse seal didn't activate which means he wasn't hungry for power either. Yami had become kind of a puzzle for Kabuto. But now when was face to face with Yami, he understood a little of him. Yami had hidden his true nature from everyone including his own elder brother. He wasn't someone who saw being a shinobi as his duty or protecting people as a noble thing. He became a shinobi to kill. Kill anyone that comes in his way.

The way he talked today with Kabuto proved that Yami didn't take him seriously from the start. Even though the difference in their strength was enormous and Yami was sure to win, Yami didn't hesitate to take the chance when Kabuto turned his back on Yami. Yami had killed him the very first chance he got. His aim from the start was never to stop an intruder or save Hinata Hyuga but to kill Kabuto.

Yami looked at the pale Kabuto on the ground as he thought 'In the canon, he becomes a big headache later. Even more tenacious than Orochimaru. It is good that I got to root him out before he became stronger. Yami then looked ahead and saw that the leaf shinobis were taking Hinata away. He looked around and saw that there were not many people around him. Some civilians were running around like scared chickens but they were not worth the attention.

'I can't take his soul now nor can I devour his corpse. I'll take it in a scroll for now and devour it later.' Yami thought. Shinobis storing the corpse for investigation purposes was a common thing so the civilians wouldn't find it odd. As Yami was about to take a step further, he sensed a projectile coming toward him and jumped back. He saw the projectile pierce the ground. Seeing the projectile, Yami was truly surprised because the projectile wasn't a kunai or shuriken but a bone.

A man with white hair and green eyes jumped in front of Kabuto's body. He had one dot above each of his eyes and he wore a loose purple kimono.

'Isn't that Kimimaro? What is he doing here? He wasn't supposed to be in the invasion.' Yami thought. He and Kimimaro stared at each other. For Yami, defeating Kimimaro wasn't difficult but annoying. His bones would create quite a problem for Yami and Yami wanted to be ready for a tailed beast attack on the village. Like the canon, Gaara hadn't left the village before the invasion reached its climax.

Yami was about to unsheathe his sword but then Kimimaro spoke "I do not have any enmity with you but Kabuto here is Orochimaru's student. I am not here to fight here but to take away his corpse and give it a proper burial."

'If I let Kimimaro take his corpse away, Orochimaru may try reanimation jutsu on him. That would be quite annoying. I need to destroy his body now.' Yami decided and was about to pull out his sword when he heard someone calling out his name.


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Link in the synopsis as well.