Paralyzed by Hate?


"Let her be," the king said and Dalrae smirked at the warriors.

Of course, King Jeon Seojoon knew so well the repercussions that Dalrae had stated weren't shit talks and that they were as real as they could get.

However, he hoped to the goddess that she didn't go ahead with them because then, it would be hard for him to keep the kingdom running when two psychos were loose. It would cause a lot of chaos and the factions would frown upon the werewolves, and that was too expensive.

With Dalrae gone from the throne room, the royal council burst out into murmurs. Hell, even the warriors were thinking of so many things right now.

They had been bested by a woman who had come in the room, with nothing on her but her regular clothes. She didn't even have scary weaponry and she had managed to outsmart everyone in here.